Transportable coop designs?


Free Ranging
13 Years
Feb 2, 2011
I need some ideas and suggestions for a design that can be broken down to be moved. I don't mean a tractor, but something that can fit in the bed of a pickup, and be lifted by 2 people.

The backstory:
We've moved from our previous location and now have an RV! It's a big change and fun, but managing the chickens is a challenge. We broke down our previous coop into pieces. We built a very temporary coop at this farm out of a tent pole structure and hardware cloth with the plastic roofing from the old coop.
It was a lot of effort, so I'm hoping to make something more permanent (structurally sound) that can break down into sections to be moved and easily reassembled in new locations.
I hope that isn't terribly confusing.
The ideal solution would be a trailer coop, but due to finances we need to use what we have for now.

Materials on hand:
6 Plastic Roofing sections, 8 ft long.
Lots of hardware cloth (previous was an open air design)
Assorted 2x4's from the previous coop (it was 8x8)
Two people sized doors we made to be like screen doors but with Hw Cloth instead.
1 plywood sheet 6x4
Enough fasteners and hardware to sink a ship

Forgive my finger drawing, but here's a basic version of my only idea so far. Each side would break off into big cages to hold the chickens during transport. The middle section would house the brooder and small pen for chicks. Maybe feed storage too. The really short walls at either end would have pop doors.

I welcome improvements and potential alternatives, pretty please!

I need some ideas and suggestions for a design that can be broken down to be moved. I don't mean a tractor, but something that can fit in the bed of a pickup, and be lifted by 2 people.

The backstory:
We've moved from our previous location and now have an RV! It's a big change and fun, but managing the chickens is a challenge. We broke down our previous coop into pieces. We built a very temporary coop at this farm out of a tent pole structure and hardware cloth with the plastic roofing from the old coop.
It was a lot of effort, so I'm hoping to make something more permanent (structurally sound) that can break down into sections to be moved and easily reassembled in new locations.
I hope that isn't terribly confusing.
The ideal solution would be a trailer coop, but due to finances we need to use what we have for now.

Materials on hand:
6 Plastic Roofing sections, 8 ft long.
Lots of hardware cloth (previous was an open air design)
Assorted 2x4's from the previous coop (it was 8x8)
Two people sized doors we made to be like screen doors but with Hw Cloth instead.
1 plywood sheet 6x4
Enough fasteners and hardware to sink a ship

Forgive my finger drawing, but here's a basic version of my only idea so far. Each side would break off into big cages to hold the chickens during transport. The middle section would house the brooder and small pen for chicks. Maybe feed storage too. The really short walls at either end would have pop doors.

I welcome improvements and potential alternatives, pretty please!

View attachment 3725370
Let me think about this…:hmm…I love figuring stuff like this out! :caf

How many 2 x 4s?
I saw houses that were made to be moved like that. They used a folding technique. Look up "folding house". I'm sure there are ideas you could use. For instance, hinges instead of taking apart.
Here’s my idea…it isn’t drawn to scale or anything but this is what I’d do if I had to put a coop in a pickup. Being as the sides are hardware fabric it shouldn’t be too heavy and you could attach handles/poles to the sides for easier moving. In bad weather you could wrap tarp around it. This way your hens always have a coop and you never have to set it up - each side is a fully functioning capsule that can be connected if desired. Hope this helps! :)


  • IMG_4937.jpeg
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Here’s my idea…it isn’t drawn to scale or anything but this is what I’d do if I had to put a coop in a pickup. Being as the sides are hardware fabric it shouldn’t be too heavy and you could attach handles/poles to the sides for easier moving. In bad weather you could wrap tarp around it. This way your hens always have a coop and you never have to set it up - each side is a fully functioning capsule that can be connected if desired. Hope this helps! :)
Nice development sketches.
Is the whole coop 4x6?
Do you tow the pickup(full size) behind your RV?
Nice development sketches.
Is the whole coop 4x6?
Do you tow the pickup(full size) behind your RV?
You asking me? I don’t own a pickup…just saying that’s what I’d do if I did :). So I don’t know what the measurements would be ‘cause I don’t know what the inside of a pickup bed measures.
You asking me? I don’t own a pickup…just saying that’s what I’d do if I did :). So I don’t know what the measurements would be ‘cause I don’t know what the inside of a pickup bed measures.
I was asking you, not realizing that you are not the OP. Oops, sorry.
I have seen dog kennels that come apart into flat sections, and are assembled by connecting at the corners (usually with metal brackets, and nuts & bolts)

It might be possible to so something similar for a coop: make it come apart at the corners, so you have flat sections of walls and roof that can all stack in the pickup, and be re-assembled later.

Do consider how many chickens you have, and make sure the assembled coop is big enough for them.

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