Turkey going after rooster


In the Brooder
Oct 26, 2015
So out of the blue this miserable rainy morning, my Tom (now 7 months) has decided he doesn't want to be picked on by the rooster (2years old) any more and is fighting back. Initially they had a scrap and I broke it up, then they had another fight and the rooster backed down and ran off. I thought that was it, but then out the window I spot Mr Turkey holding the rooster by the neck and parading him around the farm. Is that the final show down? I did go out and split it up, and then the female turkey ran in and attacked the male turkey. Goodness know whats going on here. But will it settle down? I can probably split them up if it doesn't stop. But it will be hard as they all love to free range, so I would feel bad for which ever one needs to be caged. And then would that be forever or could I split them and then slowly start letting the turkeys/chickens out again, or would that make it worse?!?!

I honestly have no idea. First time raising turkeys and I see their parents co-exist with many roosters and hens, so I am guessing this is just a phase?

No experience with turkeys yet. But if you do have to lock one up... you can set up alternating free range so they both get turns just at different times.

Good luck!
It would have to be the Turkeys as I need my rooster out and about as he is a good protector for the hens.

I will have a think, I do have a spare run- in shed I can house the turkeys in if worst case senario, but I know my hubby will be gutted as he loves watching the turkeys roaming the land, they are beautiful. So frustrating.
Had a lightbulb moment last night. At the moment the Turkeys roost in a tree above the chicken coop. In the morning they fly down into the chicken run. The coop auto opens at 7am. Then the chickens/turkeys all leave the run to free-range through a small purpose-made gate around 8am when I am awake.

I think I am going to amend the gate so the chickens can come in and out of the run but the Turkeys can't. That will then force them to roost somewhere else (away from the chickens) and also give Norman (my rooster) somewhere safe to run to if the Turkey goes after him. Today I've just kicked the turkeys out of the run and closed the gate to give Norman some time to recover. They are both stood, in the rain, by the gate trying to get back in. But tough, they have the whole farm to go explore and find shelter. I am sure they will give up soon.

The chickens in the mean time are acting like I am torturing them by leaving them in their 30 x 20ft run!! lol - spoiled birds.
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I have had Tom turkeys kill roosters. I recommend keeping the species separately. Your turkey will more than likely continue to go after the chickens.
Well a slight improvement today. Last night I kicked Mr B (Turkey) out of the run twice as I kept finding him like this.

Determined little sod. But alas this morning he was back in the run waiting for Norman (Roo). I monitored from my window as a Benny hill scene played out in front of me of Turkey chasing Norman around for a good 7 minutes, but Norman was too fast for him. So he eventually the turkey gave up and they were all fine until I let them out around 8am. Then I put the extra wire on the front gate so Mr B cannot physically walk into the run anymore, but I have to say, Normans walked past him several times now, with confidence, and Mr B has just been stood there on display. If anything the female turkey is making the most of being able to get away from the Tom too. She is sat in the run staring at him lol. I'm wondering if without Mrs B by his side he hasn't got the same level of confidence as yesterday. Maybe he was protecting her all along?
Just another little update. So far the Turkey has now left him alone, Norman is becoming more confident again and started to eat near him (albeit hiding behind the chickens) but the Turkey has not gone after him. To be honest as soon as the Turkey even looks at him norman runs away. So fingers crossed they can tolerate eachother going forward!!

Rooster (far right) is bravely eating with him this morning.

Norman is hiding in all the chickens behind in this one:

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