Twin duck eggs


New duck mommy 2021

Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Oct 19, 2021
Medicine Hat , alberta , Canada
I thought I would share our journey of our twin duck eggs
We are at the end of day 6 today and both eggs have 2 babies growing , moving and lots of strong veins
One egg started at 104 grams the other 98
I know many say never incubate twins but I like a challenge
So if your positive and you want to follow our journey and send tons of positive vibes for our little ducks please follow along
I’m not afraid to assist a hatch as I have assisted in the past
I’m very hands on with my eggs and candle everyday so I know exactly what’s going on with their growth and when they need lockdown not the set day of day 25
My first batch was mostly assists as my duck was newer to laying eggs and my eggs were small and babies couldn’t get turned into position
Those assisted babies will be a year in December and doing amazing :)

I read tons of failed stories and I came to realize that in everyone of them they all did the same thing
Treated this egg like a regular duck egg
Lower humidity to loose the recommended weight of a normal egg
Well in my opinion that maybe the wrong way
I don’t know yet if I’m correct but I’m running higher humidity and shooting for a smaller air cell with less weight lost
This should give the babies more room and more nutrition
I will try to update daily but may miss a day here and there
These pics were from a few days ago
I will do a new picture tomorrow


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Most doubles make it to day 10. I had a chicken egg with 3 yolks I set once, 2 were fertile, one of the 2 made it to day 17 which is amazing.
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I knew it would not go all the way, but...
I had a few double yolks months ago I tried but at day 5 I stopped them
Only one yolk was fertile and I knew that would cause the one baby to die down the road
One I would never be able to loose enough weight in such a big egg and the non fertile yolk could go bad causing that baby to die
It’s a very tricky situation
What breed are these eggs?
The mom who laid it is from a blue Swedish mom who Carrie’s a buff gene and a silver dad
The dad of the eggs is either a pekin X khaki cross or my silver Swedish
Both drakes follow her everywhere
Maybe they could both be dads
I’ll attach pics of the 3 of them
I have never incubated her eggs before but where she came from that lady has had high hatch rates so strong genes


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Today both sets of twins are nice and active
It looks like the top babies in both eggs have the yolks spread down in front of the bottom babies and they are further back from the shell
It’s easier ti see them in the video I took but I won’t be able to load that right now as we are in a big winter storm and my internet is acting up
So I’ll post pics but you may not be able to see the bottom baby as it’s more in the middle of the egg


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Todays update
Day 8 for the babies
Still going strong
Both sets were very active
Egg 2 it’s harder to see the bottom baby as it’s more in the middle of the egg but could see the shadow swing in and out just not right up to the shell
Baby 1 both babies were close to the shell and moving like crazy
Growth looks great
Air cells are staying smaller
It amazes me that two little lives are growing


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