Vent Abnormal


In the Brooder
Aug 24, 2023
Hi there,

I hope someone can help me. My chicken Sparkles was ill a few weeks ago. Antibiotics cleared her up.

Today she had bubbles again (in both eyes this time). We have commenced giving her antibiotics again, but this time we noticed there is an abnormality in her vent. Has it prolapsed? She is not laying (hasn’t laid in months).

Kind regards,
Her vent just looks super relaxed and loose. I would keep an eye on it, since it may attract pecking which could damage it. Did she lay large eggs? Since she has had foamy eyes, does she have nasal drainage, sneezing or other symptoms of a respiratory illness? A foamy eye can be a sign of mycoplasma (MG.) You can clean the eyes with saline and remove any crusts or gunk. If it persists, you might want to try an antibiotic Tylosin powder for the water for a 5 day treatment.
Thank you for your reply.

The vet thinks she may have had Coryza when we were trying to treat her. Trying to receive expert care in chicken health in my town is very difficult though. We only took her to the vet as a last resort because none of the other methods were working: VetRX & Terramycin powder.

She’s a bantam, so her eggs were typically small. They may have been large for her breed, but we would be none the wise.

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