Vines for run


Mar 22, 2022
I need some suggestions please on vines to grow on our chicken run. It’s fully enclosed with a plastic UV roof but after recent tree trimming by the city, there’s more sun exposure than I’d like since it gets hot here.

I’m looking for suggestions that are safe for both chickens and dogs and provides good shade. Other requests that aren’t mandatory are somewhat easy to manage and preferably pretty :)
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I wouldn't use vines. I would plant a bush a few feet from the run in line of the most direct sun. Not an evergreen because in the winter they will like the sunshine. You don't say where you are living. A lilac bush would be nice, or dogwood.
I wouldn't use vines. I would plant a bush a few feet from the run in line of the most direct sun. Not an evergreen because in the winter they will like the sunshine. You don't say where you are living. A lilac bush would be nice, or dogwood.
We are in NC.

This unfortunately wouldn’t work for us. The run basically enclosed by our shed and fence, if that makes sense. And there’s a tree in front of the run currently, that offers shade, but we would have to plant a tree on the other side of the fence that is not our property to do your suggestion
Lilac and dogwood are bushes, not trees. The problem I have with vines is that their weight over time could have a negative effect on the fencing.

I live up north so I don't know what kinds of vines would grow well for you. You want something that can be controlled by mowing. You'd want complete coverage to block the sun I'm guessing. I have grown four o'clocks, but I don't know how they would fare where you live. I've also had hollyhocks and sunflowers, and Jerusalem artichokes (sun chokes). Any would work, but vines would stay tall.
The problem I have with vines is that their weight over time could have a negative effect on the fencing.
Ditto Dat! They can destroy things.

Jerusalem artichokes (sun chokes).
I had some of these for years, they made great shade (and snacks), until a ground hog ate them all up.
Honeysuckle vines is what I use. You can do some research on what type I use Coral honeysuckle vine (red trumpet ) I think

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