weak duck after being out in the cold and falling


In the Brooder
Oct 30, 2022
My male duck was outside in 14° for a few minutes(10 or 15), when I carried him inside he jumped out from my arms and fell in his back. He was limping after that, i left him in the box I leave him at in night with some sheets so he isnt cold, but he looks a little weak. Usually when I open his box he looks at me and chirps, and he moves if I get my hand too close to him (ive only had him for 2 weeks), but now when I opened it after what happenned he didnt look at me, he only moves and chirps when I touch him too much. I'm scared and my mom doesnt want to get him to the vet yet, I really want to know if he's going to get better or if we need to take him to the vet

He isnt fully grown, I dont exactly know how old is he but here's a picture of him
You are mostly likely dealing with a mix of shock from being exposed to such cold temperatures with no adult feathers to protect and landing on his leg wrong. Your duckling has no adult feathers which means it has no protection from the cold, wind or elements. Putting your duckling outside when it is only 14 degrees for 15 minutes would be like you walking outside in shorts and a t shirt when it is only 14 degrees then standing there for 15 minutes. He most likely started to go into shock which is why he was acting off when you brought him back in. Give electrolytes in a separate water dish and keep him inside someone where dark and quiet to calm him down. As for the leg injury anytime one of my ducks had a leg injury I make sure to dose with either Durvet's B complex or a supplement that has niacin in it like Poultry Cell.
I am assuming you meant 14 centigrade. That is too cold for a duckling still covered in down. 14 degrees fahrenheit is too cold for ducks period. Your lonesome duckling needs a lot of love and affection. It will get over its awkward fall and cold exposure, but it needs ducky friends.

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