What did you do in the garden today?

Google how to raise soil PH . Agricultural lime should do it .
I agree that adding Garden Lime will raise the PH.
Here are 2 copy and paste bits of info I thought would be useful. I have used Gypsum in the past, but it does not change PH. (good stuff BTW)

A number below 7 is acidic (sometimes called “sour”); a number above 7 is alkaline (“sweet”). Most plants prefer nearly neutral soil with a pH between 6.2 and 7.2. Some (such as azaleas) prefer a more acidic soil. A soil test determines whether your soil is acidic, neutral or alkaline.

Applying lime to a soil will raise the pH. The other product we think of with respect to calcium is gypsum, a hydrated form of calcium sulfate (CaSO4). Gypsum is neutral in pH, and since it has no carbonate ion as part of its makeup, it will not neutralize acidity.
I had to pull out two tomato plants today. I found a giant black widow on one, and an empty egg sac. On that one and the other plant, there were thousands of baby black widows. :oops:

I am not scared of spiders, but the thought of thousands of baby black widows right next to my house creeps me out. I checked the other plants around them, and we ended up putting pesticides on the others, which I had been hoping to avoid, but we don't want more black widows. Now I feel all crawly.
In my area, there are 2 species of Poisonous spiders. Black Widow, and Brown Recluse. I have never seen a Widow here (Chicago Metropolitan) but did see quite a few when I was in Phoenix. The Brown Recluse is also rare in the Metro area. It does show up in rural areas in barns.
Those are the only spiders I would consider destroying due to the danger they pose to people. All other spiders are fine by me as long as they are not inside home.

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