What did you do in the garden today?

Three 20ft beds and over 100 containers later I finally got my potatoes planted.



My buddy. She’s always following me around the gardens.

Pointsettias are growing!
I've almost been to the point of tears the past 10 days. Plowing snow every third day. Working all hours. Relying on spectrum lights to get through the day. Closed roads. Storing water. Helping neighbors dig out. When I was making it off the ranch it was to go to town to stock up for the next one. I have poo piled and waiting to get to the orchard, but the snow is too deep. Just UGH! Pity party over. I'm numb.

OH my goodness! Your place looks like that movie "the Day After Tomorrow".

Soooooo much snow!

Hang in there. It has to melt eventually.....maybe.

Hang in there @WthrLady. We normally have tons of snow here, however this winter it's been more ice storms, then bitter temps. We had a little defrosting the last couple of days and happily the door on the chicken coop opens a little more wider so it's easier for me to squeeze through. Right now the temps are going down and the wind is kicking up. I am so sick of this winter it needs to be over. I can't get to my garden beds because the ice is so thick and deep I can't open the gates. I will be going out to the store later to get starter soil and hopefully find some sand to spread over the ice. It's really hard to walk around outside. It is really slippery.
Hang in there @WthrLady. We normally have tons of snow here, however this winter it's been more ice storms, then bitter temps. We had a little defrosting the last couple of days and happily the door on the chicken coop opens a little more wider so it's easier for me to squeeze through. Right now the temps are going down and the wind is kicking up. I am so sick of this winter it needs to be over. I can't get to my garden beds because the ice is so thick and deep I can't open the gates. I will be going out to the store later to get starter soil and hopefully find some sand to spread over the ice. It's really hard to walk around outside. It is really slippery.

If you cannot get sand then chicken grit works really well.

Just be sure none is stuck to the bottom of and shoes. It is horrid on hardwood flooring.
Three 20ft beds and over 100 containers later I finally got my potatoes planted.
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My buddy. She’s always following me around the gardens.
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Pointsettias are growing!
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WOW that's a lot of taters! They are hit or miss her and you, by tradition, plant them here on good Friday. I don't bother with potatoes anymore. I couldn't get them to store well. And for all the work we put in them, never had a great yield. It's kind of how I feel about planting peas. LOL.
Thanks everyone. I'm used to the craptastic weather. I just don't like it. We used to live in north west north dakota, so I know the drill. I'm just 25 years older now and chasing livestock and trying to keep it alive. It makes a difference.

Actually, We are at 53 inches of snow here, which is TWICE the amount of snow we get all season normally. PLUS it started October 3rd instead of the middle/end of November, and we've had no warm breaks, which we usually do. We should be in the 40s during the day by now. This morning, the windchill was -20 and the temp -7'F. And nothing over freezing for the next 10 days. Oh, and another 5-6 inches this weekend. Calgon take me away!

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