What did you do in the garden today?

I ate 3 cherry tomatoes and 2 green beans from my garden. :lau :gig
Otherwise, I worked on burning out the stump I was working on yesterday. I will probably be working on it again tomorrow to. I did dump a 5 gallon bucket of rotten wood on a small section of the garden to. I need to pull up my beans and the rest of the cherry tomato plants and get a cover crop planted in there.
I also need to trim back the 3 apple trees and the 3 peach trees. This year I didn't get ANY apples or peaches from my own trees.:hit Hopefully, next year will be much better!
Ghost peppers
That mantis is much more spectacular than the one I ran into at work last week!

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Yes, those are the type I used to see when I lived down south. The plain green ones. That's why I wasn't sure about the one with the fancy wings! One year we found a mantis egg case (not sure what it's really called) stuck to our arbor, and after awhile they hatched. We had lots of little mantises all over our arbor, but they quickly disappeared. A large one kind of hung out on the arbor, and one time I saw it run up and grab a smaller one that happened to come along! It was kind of creepy...
It's rainy again today, and rain is forecasted for the whole week, so not going to get much done outside for awhile. :( I do have plenty to do inside though, so it's not a total loss.
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Good morning gardeners. I actually went out to check on the garden this morning. No visible signs of munching on my butternut squash. Thank goodness. I found a few green beans, a poblano and a bell pepper. Also found another cucumber. LOL! I caved and pulled my largest leek. Not bad. All cleaned up it was one inch in diameter. Today it may get into the 70's for a bit, other than that the forecast is rainy and cool. Sounds like soup weather is starting. I started pulling the AC units out of the windows yesterday. I got the big 60 pounder out without injuring myself. Although for dessert after breakfast I popped a couple of ibuprofen. I'm fine now. I also moved my tool cabinet out of my sunroom and into the garage yesterday. I have a nice wooden bench that will look much nicer in the spot where that old cabinet was. Sorry I didn't respond to your email yesterday @Sueby.
Regarding salsa: I sauté onions then the rice first. Then I add the liquid. Because I only use brown rice, I let the rice cook for about ten to fifteen minutes before adding the salsa. Sometimes I add some black beans near the end of the cooking time. I've tried this in my rice cooker and it doesn't work as well as just cooking it in a regular pot. I hope this is helpful. Regarding the praying mantis: OMG how pretty! I'm with @Sueby and have only seen the green ones. Have a great day everyone.
Here's a photo of this morning's "haul."
October surprise.JPG
Morning everyone. Yesterday was sunny 92, ridiculously humid and the winds were howling at 40 mph. SO of course it was the day to strip out the inside of the coop and spray for lice and mites and treat the girls. (darn wild turkeys brought little friends with them)

I managed another two gallons of tomatoes and did pull in the mustard pods.

I'll now let it dry a month or two and then harvest the seeds for more seed and for our winter mustard.

Today it's 65 and we'll get 3-5 inches of rain today and tomorrow. So the garden is on it's own. Then I'll evaluate it and the weather pattern for the next couple of weeks and see when I want to harvest the green tomatoes and do a tear out. No need to until we frost. They can ripen slowly outside just as well as in.

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