What did you do in the garden today?

Please post pictures! I love birch!

I would love to try those english muffins! One day when we're easting carbs again I will try. @Wee Farmer Sarah have you ever tried the english muffins from the Vermont Bread Co? They are super good, I would imagine close to home made.

We finally got the fence posts in YAAAY!!! We need to wait for the cement to cure & everything to settle before we hang the fence. Depending on the winter we have, it may wait till spring.
Unfortunately, I haven't done the planters yet. I got sick on Monday (the Mon. before T-day), and just now coming around. Don't have much Christmas decorating done, and don't even have our tree up yet. Bummer. And I have to go back to work on Friday. Ugh. But still hoping for a great holiday season.
Hope everyone here had a great T-day!
Good morning gardeners. Day 3 of snow storms. My snow blower not working well. My neighbor came and tried to help me get started yesterday, no luck so he cleared my driveway of 12+ inch snow. We got another 10+ inches overnight and it's still snowing. I did manage to get the snow blower going for a little while to clear about half the driveway then it crapped out. I'm having coffee and drying out for a bit before I give it another try. On top of this I have a hen that was looking poorly (droopy comb) yesterday so I brought her inside. She was about halfway through her molt but I don't think she has enough feathers to deal with the cold. She dropped some more feathers when I first brought her in. She's not eating a whole lot but she is drinking. I know she is eating something because she's pooping. Not much else is going on. No time for decorating. I have to finish clearing snow before tonight when the temperatures drop and everything freezes. And @karenerwin, 12 inches of snow is not uncommon here. We often get 3 feet of snow from one storm. Here's a shot of my path to the chicken coop this morning after I had shoveled it for the second time. Have a great day everyone.

Dec snow.JPG
Good morning gardeners. Day 3 of snow storms. My snow blower not working well. My neighbor came and tried to help me get started yesterday, no luck so he cleared my driveway of 12+ inch snow. We got another 10+ inches overnight and it's still snowing. I did manage to get the snow blower going for a little while to clear about half the driveway then it crapped out. I'm having coffee and drying out for a bit before I give it another try. On top of this I have a hen that was looking poorly (droopy comb) yesterday so I brought her inside. She was about halfway through her molt but I don't think she has enough feathers to deal with the cold. She dropped some more feathers when I first brought her in. She's not eating a whole lot but she is drinking. I know she is eating something because she's pooping. Not much else is going on. No time for decorating. I have to finish clearing snow before tonight when the temperatures drop and everything freezes. And @karenerwin, 12 inches of snow is not uncommon here. We often get 3 feet of snow from one storm. Here's a shot of my path to the chicken coop this morning after I had shoveled it for the second time. Have a great day everyone.

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That's beautiful but ugh! I hope you can get the snow blower running. I couldn't handle all that snow.

I'm sorry to read your hen isn't well and she recovers ok too.
Good morning gardeners. Day 3 of snow storms. My snow blower not working well. My neighbor came and tried to help me get started yesterday, no luck so he cleared my driveway of 12+ inch snow. We got another 10+ inches overnight and it's still snowing. I did manage to get the snow blower going for a little while to clear about half the driveway then it crapped out. @karenerwin, 12 inches of snow is not uncommon here. We often get 3 feet of snow from one storm. Here's a shot of my path to the chicken coop this morning after I had shoveled it for the second time. Have a great day everyone.

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:eek: Well, I know we won't be moving to Massachusetts ever. No way my hubby could handle that much snow!! He still claims he's a Texas boy even though he hasn't lived there since he was 7. He's 62 now! He hasn't even visited Texas in at least 20 years. :lau
I hope you get the snow blower figured out! I think your neighbor deserves a dozen eggs!! Good luck with your hen. I always feel really bad for my chickens that decide to have a hard molt right in the middle of a frigid winter..
Good news. I put some fuel stabilizer in the gas tank and let it sit for an hour and the blower started up. I was able to clear the driveway so I can travel if needed. We have over 2 feet of snow right now and it isn’t supposed to stop for another 2 - 3 hours. But I’m OK. The hen seems to be perking up a bit and I saw her eat her regular food. I do have to say that I really do like snow and don’t really mind the winter aerobics that goes with it. Have a great day!
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@Wee Farmer Sarah - Good news on the snowblower & the hen! I love winter & snow & all the work that comes with it. People always post pics of their weather on days like this, you know 80 & sunny, & I'm like heck no, I'd take a foot of snow over that any day! Todd had to drive into Boston this am - I think he's still on the road 3 1/2 hours later...

It was still snowing when I left for work today, not sure how much we ended up with but not nearly what Sarah got, maybe 6 inches? It sure is pretty!

I really miss my garden. It's hard to get ANY kind of lettuce around here these days with the Romain issues unless you want iceburg (which I don't!)
@Sueby and @Wee Farmer Sarah, my oldest currently lives in Fl, near the beach. while this kid always enjoyed going to the beach on vacation, does not like the constant heat. Indicated about 2 months after living there, that they would settle somewhere in the upper half of the US in order to get some cold weather. This is same kid I had to always buy good quality snow pants/jackets/gloves for bc they would leave the house for hours when it snowed - had to keep the kid warm and dry at least. And as Queen Elsa sings: "The cold never bothered me anyway"
@Wee Farmer Sarah - Good news on the snowblower & the hen! I love winter & snow & all the work that comes with it. People always post pics of their weather on days like this, you know 80 & sunny, & I'm like heck no, I'd take a foot of snow over that any day! Todd had to drive into Boston this am - I think he's still on the road 3 1/2 hours later...

It was still snowing when I left for work today, not sure how much we ended up with but not nearly what Sarah got, maybe 6 inches? It sure is pretty!

I really miss my garden. It's hard to get ANY kind of lettuce around here these days with the Romain issues unless you want iceburg (which I don't!)
Still snowing. I miss lettuce in the winter so I use baby spinach and curly kale for salad. Sorry your husband had to drive to Boston. Traffic is horrid on good weather days, but snowy, not fun. I still need to shovel my front walk but it’s not all that much. But it is pretty.
@Sueby and @Wee Farmer Sarah, my oldest currently lives in Fl, near the beach. while this kid always enjoyed going to the beach on vacation, does not like the constant heat. Indicated about 2 months after living there, that they would settle somewhere in the upper half of the US in order to get some cold weather. This is same kid I had to always buy good quality snow pants/jackets/gloves for bc they would leave the house for hours when it snowed - had to keep the kid warm and dry at least. And as Queen Elsa sings: "The cold never bothered me anyway"
I feel the same way as your son. I grew up in Minnesota, but lived down south for several years before moving back home. We always missed the snow and winter weather while living in warmer regions. I can take the snow & cold much better than the unbearable heat down south. That is downright oppressive!
I feel the same way as your son. I grew up in Minnesota, but lived down south for several years before moving back home. We always missed the snow and winter weather while living in warmer regions. I can take the snow & cold much better than the unbearable heat down south. That is downright oppressive!
My thoughts on that is you can always add more layers, but there’s only so much you can take off. And really, sweating is so unladylike. :)

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