What did you do in the garden today?

We have 4 cats inside, anything I plant inside they eat:he
We have exactly the same problem. This year I covered everything with bird netting. They even eat the tomato and pepper plants :he
The catnip is separate though because my cats have torn open cardboard boxes to reach catnip toys that were in a sealed bag!
I made the sausage balls for lunch today but I used the sausage mix I use for sausage rolls and they are delicious. We ate a bunch and I'm freezing the rest. These have some veg mixed in so they are a tiny bit healthier but still taste sinfully good.

Got to go into town to drop off the defective cable box at the cable store and give my laptop to our computer guy. My new laptop has arrived and Monte is going to transfer the data from the old one to the new one. Perfect timing since this morning the dogs got tangled in the cord of the old one and knocked it on the floor. Looks like something got knocked loose since it isn't working very well now. Oh well, timing is everything. For now I'll be using my tiny notebook and hoping the new one is ready on Monday.
I've begun my winter-buildup exercise routine. Usually this is just stairsteps and weight lifting in mild amounts building up as we approach spring so I am ready to do heavy work in the garden but my partner bought an exercise bike this year and I've been using that. It's much more about building muscle usability than losing weight and since I started it I've had less trouble in the springs getting started. It's not usually for breaking out a sweat or putting on volume, but all about use. It's usually very middle work - a balance between force and longevity, like most garden work is, but unlikely to produce anything but very specific practical results - just the way I want it.

This year I've been extra sedentary (shock) so it's extra bad. I usually lift 15#s and build up to 25#s but I'm starting small with 8#s this year. I'm also starting a little earlier. I've been on track for a whopping four days now. These things take time but a little goes a long way.
Good evening gardeners. We went to walmart to get a few things and I happened upon a solar rope light. It won’t last more than a year or two but I picked one up and realized I need a second one. I’m going to use them to line the path I made last year.
I did a more extensive investigation of the garden and the desert plants are really enjoying all the duck drinking water; it’s green and brown but :idunno Our chances for rain have gone up for late weekend and early next week so I’m going to give everything a dose of fertilizer in the morning and hope we get that rain. I’ll bring the seedlings in and put them under the grow light and replant the other stuff since our lows will be in the mid 30s for a few nights. The duck house has to be divided in half before the newbies arrive next week that’s an absolute must this weekend, I’m going to use some NIC cube grids to create the barrier and since these guys don’t fly, well guess what? No worries. Love that about Runners. Ok, time to make dinner, have a great night.
Got my seedlings inside and under the light this morning
Tilled my acre lot yesterday. Started building my 10x10 greenhouse, gonna finish today. Gonna try to get some seeds in dirt hopefully tomorrow.

Going to pick up my new to me cub cadet walk behind tiller next week. My cuz in law who wants me to grow some stuff for him is gonna bring his tractor and 4 foot tiller over to break up another acre lot next week.
Good frosty morning all. The temps were about 26F early this morning and that was apparently the high for today. Will be dropping down to the low teens overnight and a bit windy for now. I had a long day of medical appointments at the VA hospital yesterday and a surprise opportunity to get my Covid shot. It was worth the extra time it took. I was gone pretty much all day and my DD got her first experience tending to the chickens. She even collected 4 eggs. I dropped off eggs at my friends house on the way home and he gifted me a pound of ground bear meat from the bear he bagged a few weeks ago and a pint of maple syrup he made last Spring. Today it's just making sure the chicken's water stays liquid. I just finished cleaning the pellet stove and after lunch I get to do my 1/2 mile walk on the treadmill. I'm also dog sitting the grand puppies while DD paints the newly constructed wall in the basement. I have removed most of the wallpaper and glue from one wall in the living room. I'll start on the other long wall in there on Monday so I'm hoping to start painting perhaps later in the week. Part of my Gurneys order has shipped so that should be here in a few days. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but DD gave me a smart watch and I'm loving it. It has a fitness tracker that counts my steps, notes when I do any type of exercise that is "cardio," can check my blood oxygen level and do an ECG. It will also call for the EMT's if I have a hard fall and can't call for myself. Without the 1/2 mile treadmill walks I average around 2 miles a day just doing housework and tending to the chickens. Apparently I do way more standing than I thought so I guess I'm not as lazy as I thought for an old woman. I'm looking forward to see what the readings are during planting time.

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