What did you do in the garden today?

Love the variety! What's the oval brown-reddish tomato near the back? See you have some chocolate cherries too, always a favorite of mine :)
Thanks. Just checked the tags. Black prince and black cherry. The black prince plant looks a little sad. Not sure why. The black cherry one is happy and huge.
Nothing today since it’s been so rainy. Went out and picked some sunflowers and a pumpkin before the storms hit yesterday though.
I visited the garden on my rounds of collecting Japanese Beetles. I really need to hoe up the weeds, but it'll have to wait for Tuesday. Tomorrow I am taking someone to her chemo appointment. I don't know how long it will take, but I haven't planned anything else for the day.

Ooooo..... You just reminded me. I didn't have ANY Japanese beetles last year. Hadn't seen any this year until this weekend. Suddenly there were 4 of them going to town on my grapes. I threw them in a jar of soapy water and went into the hoop house to look for squash bugs. Came across a GIANT bug that looks just like a Japanese beetle only this sucker is AT LEAST an inch and a half long by an inch wide. I chased it around the hoop house calling it gigantor... Eventually caught it and threw it in soapy water too. Mutant.... Unless it was actually something else.
You can go to a UPS store to do Amazon returns. Just show them QR code that gets sent to you for the return. They enter it and the system tells them to put it in massive box with gajillion returns or it gets its own box.

I've taken things to Kohls before because they have an Amazon return station but this return didn't indicate I could take it there. It insisted on shipping it back. I suppose I could have called and asked but I was super busy with work and didn't get around to taking care of it (because I didn't have a box) before the return period was up. Now I'm stuck with it.

I try REALLY HARD not to buy things from Amazon anymore for several reasons but I will probably renew my Prime because we watch a lot of Prime TV. For everything else, I try to buy local unless I absolutely HAVE to get it from Amazon. However my DS and DH both got new cell phone cases this weekend and they were delivered within a day.
I try REALLY HARD not to buy things from Amazon anymore for several reasons but I will probably renew my Prime because we watch a lot of Prime TV. For everything else, I try to buy local unless I absolutely HAVE to get it from Amazon.

Recently I purchased an Orbit manual water timer from my local Fleet store. I paid $6.48 for the unit at the store. I took it home and before I used it, I did a quick price check on Amazon to see if my local store was close to the Amazon price.

:eek: You might not believe this, but I found the exact same Orbit model number selling on Amazon for $149.00 and another place listed at $129.00! I showed Dear Wife the product listing and she could not believe it, either. I have no idea why online these units were selling for so much, but the next day I went back to my Fleet store and bought the remaining 2 units they had on the shelf. For less than $20 at my local Fleet store, I purchased about $450 worth of water timers listed on Amazon!

OK, the water timer was certainly worth $6.48, but I would never have paid more than $15 for a single timer. I don't have a clue as to why these timers were listed so high on Amazon.

Usually, my local Fleet store sells the items I want cheaper than what I can get off of Amazon, or eBay. But I always contributed that to the shipping cost of one heavy item compared to the local store getting lots of heavy items on one truck shipment. If my local stores don't carry an item, then I'll start looking on Amazon or eBay for the product. I have saved lots of money buy ordering repair parts for appliances from Amazon and eBay.

I also have saved money by ordering bulk packages of mower belts, filters, and spark plugs from Amazon. I got a bulk package of 3 mower tune up kit supplies for my riding mower from Amazon for less than it would have cost me for just 1 mower tune up kit locally. So, I will price compare stock items that I don't necessarily need tomorrow. Sometimes if you plan ahead, you can save money.
Recently I purchased an Orbit manual water timer from my local Fleet store. I paid $6.48 for the unit at the store. I took it home and before I used it, I did a quick price check on Amazon to see if my local store was close to the Amazon price.

:eek: You might not believe this, but I found the exact same Orbit model number selling on Amazon for $149.00 and another place listed at $129.00! I showed Dear Wife the product listing and she could not believe it, either. I have no idea why online these units were selling for so much, but the next day I went back to my Fleet store and bought the remaining 2 units they had on the shelf. For less than $20 at my local Fleet store, I purchased about $450 worth of water timers listed on Amazon!

OK, the water timer was certainly worth $6.48, but I would never have paid more than $15 for a single timer. I don't have a clue as to why these timers were listed so high on Amazon.

Usually, my local Fleet store sells the items I want cheaper than what I can get off of Amazon, or eBay. But I always contributed that to the shipping cost of one heavy item compared to the local store getting lots of heavy items on one truck shipment. If my local stores don't carry an item, then I'll start looking on Amazon or eBay for the product. I have saved lots of money buy ordering repair parts for appliances from Amazon and eBay.

I also have saved money by ordering bulk packages of mower belts, filters, and spark plugs from Amazon. I got a bulk package of 3 mower tune up kit supplies for my riding mower from Amazon for less than it would have cost me for just 1 mower tune up kit locally. So, I will price compare stock items that I don't necessarily need tomorrow. Sometimes if you plan ahead, you can save money.

I've found a lot of items are much cheaper locally but that's just CRAZY!

I made 2 quarts of seedless blackberry jam this evening.... 😊 It isn't much but considering nearly ALL of my blackberries burned down last winter. They are regrowing but I really didn't expect ANY berries this season. I had ONE small clump of canes that survived the fire. Produced 5 cups of berries so far. Enough to make jelly... I might get another cup or two still before it's over.

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