What did you do in the garden today?

A giant white pumpkin! Love it. White variety is that?
I got seeds from St Croix WI club, it’s an Atlantic giant lineage. I have another growing that was from a winner of a prettiest reddest largest type contest, same club, I pollinated both it and the Jabba pumpkin with the “red” one’s pollen..keeping both covered to keep skin supple and growing..


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On Tuesday when I make it I'll post pictures and the very easy recipe. 😌
Bread Pudding:
4 cups of bread or cooked Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls (8 rolls in package)
3 Eggs
1/2 Cup Sugar
2 Cups Milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
Caramel Sauce

I cook the Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and then set them aside all day, or overnight. Do not cover them they need to dry out. (Do not frost them) If you use regular bread set it out to dry out too.
When you are ready to make the recipe start by spraying a 9x9 pan and tearing up the rolls or bread and putting into your pan.
Then in a mixing bowl use a whisk or fork to beat eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla, and cinnamon until well combined.
Pour the milk mixture onto bread/rolls in pan. Gently push down so bread/rolls can soak up some milk mixture.
Cook at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
You can serve warm or cold. (we like cold) Before serving put on a generous amount of caramel sauce.






And my firstborn 18 year old birthday boy.
Afternoon all. Haven't completely caught up, work is insane (still working too, 3 hours after quitting time). It's disgustingly hot & humid out there.

I picked the first peppers today, some jalapenos & a tibetan chili. 2 of the jalapenos had turned red, DH said those were hotter than the tibetan, which is weird. Along with more cukes, some for the birds too. I need to pick beans, I'm hoping to can a couple jars of dillybeans this weekend, I only have 1 jar left from last year.

So glad I popped in here, I forgot to shut off the soaker hose & ya'll reminded me! :oops: It only went maybe 20 mins longer than needed. Ok, maybe 45. :gig Least it didn't go all night! 🥴
Afternoon all. Haven't completely caught up, work is insane (still working too, 3 hours after quitting time). It's disgustingly hot & humid out there.

I picked the first peppers today, some jalapenos & a tibetan chili. 2 of the jalapenos had turned red, DH said those were hotter than the tibetan, which is weird. Along with more cukes, some for the birds too. I need to pick beans, I'm hoping to can a couple jars of dillybeans this weekend, I only have 1 jar left from last year.

So glad I popped in here, I forgot to shut off the soaker hose & ya'll reminded me! :oops: It only went maybe 20 mins longer than needed. Ok, maybe 45. :gig Least it didn't go all night! 🥴
Hey at least your hose wouldn't back the toilet or sink up into your house if you forgot about it! Outside watering right now. Got some shade, so toddler is playing in the dirt and enjoying fresh air. I think it's stinking hot still. He doesn't seem to care. Go figure
Ok it's just too hot here to do much. Beets are doing great will get nice crop for pickling.
Ok since we're telling stories on ourselves here goes I did do something completely juvenile and very satisfying though . I found a dried up leaf on the barely alive butternut squash that was covered with squash bug eggs on it and brought it into house to torch the leaf on my gas stove. :gig :eek:Have I completely lost my mind from those stupid bugs! I felt 12 years old! I don't trust chooks to eat those eggs at all. Not near as interesting as the plumbing stories for sure.
:hit Well, most of the growing season gone, and maybe only 6 hours of light rainfall all summer. Really a bad drought where I live. I have a creek running through my property, and it is bone dry for the first time in the 32+ years I have owned this property. I live on a lake, and the water level is so low that I have about 15 feet of additional shoreline this year before we have water. Almost half the dock is standing above dry sand. Cannot even dock our pontoon as the water is too low. Getting to the point...

Was out in the main garden today and picked maybe 2 or 3 small tomatoes from each plant, with nothing left on some plants, and only a handful of green tomatoes on a few. Very disappointing. Only 1 small zucchini growing on my 3 zucchini plants. Cucumbers all turning yellow and leaves drooping down. The ones I picked a few weeks ago were very bitter, so don't expect anything better from what is left. My pepper plants are bare, except for about 3 plants that have only 1 small pepper each on them. Just a shame.

:idunno I don't have running water out in the main garden, so after this year, I am seriously considering pulling up all the raised beds, tilling the soil, and planting grass. It's either that or I will have to invest in maybe a well pump to water the garden. That would be very expensive and I really can't justify the cost just for running water out to the garden. I have been using a 12v pump and drawing water from the lake, but the pump is not strong enough to run any type of sprinkler system. Manually watering the garden a couple times each week this year has proven to be unsuccessful with no rainfall to help out.

:D To end on a more positive note, my new hügelkultur raised beds that I have built in the backyard by the chicken coop and run have been just great. I have harvested all kinds of beans, peppers and even some first year strawberries from the new raised beds. I think the hügelkultur raised beds are so good because I used high quality top soil and chicken compost in the new beds. But the main difference this year is that I have been able to water those raised beds in the backyard just by setting my outdoor faucet to run the sprinkler for 30 minutes each day - some days I might water the beds twice.

Sitting in my garage I already have the leftover/recycled wood cut to make another 2 frames for raised beds. I picked up a couple galvanized metal panels from Home Depot last week and those need to be cut to size. I would have preferred to build all wood raised beds, but our wood prices are still too high, so I'm making more galvanized metal raised beds. When I get those beds made, they will be going next to the other raised beds in the backyard where I have access to running water.

That's it for now.

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