What did you do in the garden today?

No way I can catch up! LOL.
Hope all are ok, someone fill me in if I missed something major.
Will be kind of scarce for a bit. No gardening atm, besides spreading poo and some lime today. Hoophouse will be flowers only next year, and I probably won't put on a roof. It's too hot here for a hoophouse too quickly. There is no middle ground season at each end of summer that makes a hoophouse worth while.

This is the time of year we work, scrambling to get ranch projects done before it's too cold/too wet/snowy to get them done. PLUS getting son settled into his new place, and classes, and normal insanity of life - awesome isn't it?!!!! I'll be having a major purge of this place to clear out things he didn't need and we don't need and shifting my whole studio down the hall, but that can be done on a cooler day.

Be well everyone.
It’s good to hear from you!
Fact. It's cold.

It must be nice. Im lucky if I can manage to make it to about 705 before I am told in NO uncertain terms that I have not fed someone yet! At about 707 the inside one starts in on it too :/

I was shocked to see 9 when I got up. Normally cant sleep past 6.30. Everyone was rather hungry and thirsty by time i made it out for chores.
I’ve been wishing for just such a day. Just one, where I sleep past sunrise.
One thing I have done in the past. sneak out past their bedtime after its dark and they are roosted and throw their food out for the next day, be fairly quiet, that way when they wake up, it's there and hopefully they stay rather quiet. at least in theory... those because of my luck, tend to be the 3 cluck choir egg song days ..sigh...

It's cold and rainy today... Just what that pasture seed needs to germinate but certainly not conducive to being outside. I'm huddled in my recliner with a quilt and a nice warm dog in my lap. 😂 Weather will be much nicer after the weekend. I have quite a few garden chores to get done next week. It's the last week of my sabbatical before I head back to work.
Sabbatical? Like Shabaton? As in a vacation after seven years?
One thing I have done in the past. sneak out past their bedtime after its dark and they are roosted and throw their food out for the next day, be fairly quiet, that way when they wake up, it's there and hopefully they stay rather quiet. at least in theory... those because of my luck, tend to be the 3 cluck choir egg song days ..sigh...

Thanks Aaron. It’s not that I have to get up for the animals. My internal clock is set to early. Early to bed, early to rise, early to appointments…lol.
Thanks Aaron. It’s not that I have to get up for the animals. My internal clock is set to early. Early to bed, early to rise, early to appointments…lol.
Same. At least it has for me the last few years with my work schedule. I needed 3 alarms to be up by 5.30 6 days a week. For some reason any day off would have me awake before my alarms would go. It sucks.

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