What did you do in the garden today?

Just put some blanket covers over the peaches. No rain expected but the temps are going to drop like a lead balloon tonight. It will be very windy and cold with wind chills in the upper 20s I'm hoping the blanket covers trap enough heat through the day to keep flowers from freezing overnight. I might have to keep them on for a few days to get through the cold spell. Just hoping the wind doesn't blow them off. These are what I am using.... Hopefully they hold up!

I put a bamboo stick in four corners and wrapped a bird netting around it and secured the netting with wooden close pins and zip ties. Then I needed to make a support for my tomato plants, so I zip tied a bamboo stick across two corners and zip tied the middle. I will hang some string down for the plants. Its kind of flimsy, but .eventually if my plants gets tall enough, I have wire running across up high for a trellis netting roof. However, its highly likely my plants will get stunted from the Tomato Yellow Leaf Virus before I can bring my idea into reality. If you blow up the bottom picture, you can see the orange wires up high.


It’s so nice to see your space there! I hope you can get that issue figured out. Is there nothing that will kill it?

I have a bunch of bamboo stakes but I’m not sure whether I’ll need cages or a trellis yet. I know the sweet 100 cherry tomatoes will work with a cage, but not sure about the other varieties I planted. I think one is indeterminate so may need both options. I think I could attach some of this wire fencing I have to the roof of the shade garden and a couple of stakes in the ground for the trellis if the bamboo I have won’t work.
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I had to transplant my tomato seedlings into a bigger pot. They were getting really leggy. I buried them all the way to the top. I seriously need to invest in a quality grow light. 🙄 It's not a money issue. I just hate driving into the next (bigger) town over to go to Lowes and finding a good time when it won't impact my job AND its not high traffic is trickier still.


I wish Mother Nature would cooperate and stay above 50 degrees so I could move them to an outdoor greenhouse.
Thinking about old ways of propagating trees and shrubs. Suckers were once an easy way before modern grafting on clonal rootstock. My grandfather gave suckers of sour cherry and plum trees to all his children. You need trees on their own roots to get a clone. Rootstock suckers are good for grafting. I have 3 seedling plum trees I will try to force suckering by cutting roots with a spade. Just one spot not all the way around. I have a pear tree on wild flowering pear roots. The roots sucker so I will move some for future grafting. I dug persimmon and did not get all the taproot. A tree grew from the root.
It’s so nice to see your space there! I hope you can get that issue figured out. Is there nothing that will kill it?

I have a bunch of bamboo stakes but I’m not sure whether I’ll need cages or a trellis yet. I know the sweet 100 cherry tomatoes will work with a cage, but not sure about the other varieties I planted. I think one is indeterminate so may need both options. I think I could attach some of this wire fencing I have to the roof of the shade garden and a couple of stakes in the ground for the trellis if the bamboo I have won’t work.
This guy grows his cherry tomatoes on a single stem and use a bamboo stake for support and add on with zip ties.
We didn't even make it above freezing and Thursday will be 60'F.
Spent the day trying to break in a new pair of glasses. I couldn't see clearly from the end of my nose to 5 feet out unless I pulled my glasses 1/2 an inch down my nose.
UGH I LOATHE getting new glasses.
Back in old glasses with that spacey feeling.
Prepping cells this week and picking out my seeds.

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