What did you do in the garden today?

So happy to know no one got hurt. 😢🥺. Sorry for the loss of tomatoes and everything else. I had a serious scare when the rains got heavy here in Northern California. I thought for sure we were going to be evaluated.
We were pretty lucky actually. They were expecting baseball sized hail... We have a 2 car garage and 4 vehicles... 🤔 We had 2 cars in the garage, pulled my truck far enough into the barn to protect all the windows but still allow horses to get in & out. That left my daughter's Elantra as you can see in the picture. We pulled it close to the house. When the tree fell, it missed her car by inches...
Happy Father's Day to the fathers on here. I hope everybody enjoyed the day.

Shopping, family picnic, fishing (both kids caught a small bass each) and worked on the shed. It was a great day.
Our wave of zucchini seems to be tapering off and the wave of cucumbers has begun!
I'm picking 10-15 cucumbers every other day it seems. We made fermented pickles, refrigerator pickles, freeze dried cucumber chips, we use the cucumbers daily in our healthy smoothies, lol, I need to find some good cucumber salad recipes that are acceptable on my husband's limited diet because I'm running out of things to do with them! 😆
I've given a TON away too!

can you sell them? or swap with someone for something you don't have.
heavy rain here washed away many slope gardens. luckily I don't like neat garden and left "hills" made by tractor above my planting line. that prevented washing away everything. but my dogs destroyed a few of my tomatoes by digging for the eggs I buried. I made a huge mistake by breaking some of them to compost faster. dogs could smell them.
Would love to hear any comments or suggestions on improving this project. This was just my first attempt at making an arch for the raised bed and I'm open to any improvements.
Wow, the whole project looks amazing! Every choice you made sounds like the right thing, from the staples to not trimming the fencing, to not ripping the 2x4s - you could re-use those in the future as well.
The only thing I can think of is incorporating a ladder into the design, to make it easier to harvest the multiple pounds of produce that grow on the top pallet!
Please make sure you show us a picture later, when your plants are growing over it, I can't wait to see!
My arch trellis is not half as strong as that, for sure I will be copying your design once mine fails in a few years.

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