What did you do in the garden today?

Today, I collected asparagus beetle grubs and gave them to the chickens. I think they ate them, but they weren't excited about it. This was the first time, so maybe they'll be more appreciative next time.

We'll be getting the Japanese Beetles soon. Free chickie snack! Hey, I gotta put a positive spin on those :ducbugs.
Well the emulsified neem oil had ZERO affect on those stink bugs. They are swarming my oats as if nothing ever happened... 😕

I've never found anything to be very effective against them either. The babies don't like insecticidal soap but once they're adults you have to pick them off.
Spent all day yesterday outside stripping, priming, and painting a door.
Today I cleaned it all up, resealed it, and added the addy.
Now I need to water the garden as the latest, slow moving heavy rain storm missed us by two miles. UGH.
When we moved here 10 years ago it was contractor white. I painted it that year to Lowe's blue, now this. I'm loving it.

Now off to water the garden.
View attachment 3553257
That color looks really nice with your brickwork!
No more than a third. & I usually try to harvest by July so it can prepare for winter. But I've been know to harvest some later than that if I needed.
People who grow rhubarb: How much can you pick? Is there a "maturity date" on it, ie, when the stalk gets to a certain point, it's too old?

I really like the rhubarb jam I made. I want to make more, but don't want to stress the plants by over picking.
Neveda Cricket Invasion....

Wondering if all those crickets would be eating everything planted? Also, I thought all those crickets would be meals on wheels for free ranging chickens. Don't know if this fits directly into the gardening thread, but I was wondering if people in Nevada are losing their gardens to this invasion?

I've never found anything to be very effective against them either. The babies don't like insecticidal soap but once they're adults you have to pick them off.
I did email the extension office to see if they have any suggestions. These pests can devastate rice crops and Arkansas is the largest exporter of rice in the world after China...so surely they have some idea of what to do about them. The question is whether it will be an organic option....

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