What did you do in the garden today?

This is as of 11:30 this morning. I can only imagine what it's going to be like around 2 pm... To make matters worse, we are expecting serious thunderstorms later this evening. With all this heat building up, it's going to feed into those storms like nobody's business. Sadly not much rain expected with the storm system though.... 😒

Edited to add... A mere hour later (12:30 pm). This is not normal.
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I feed with either Alaska Fish Emulsion or Dr. Earth organic depending on what's growing where. My berries get Berry-Tone organic. Sometimes a little epsom salts or bone or blood meal get added here or there. You should send a sample in to your local co-operative extension for a sample/analysis. I try to send one in every year, it's good to know what you're working with. You send in a couple cups of soil in a ziplock bag & they send you back a report on what your nutrients look like & give suggestions on how to fertilize (or not).
I been using Dr. Earth organic. And yes, I should definitely send in a sample to be tested.
I gave my garden a good, deep watering this morning. I'll go back out and pull mulch around the plants later.

One of the zinnias I started in a pot is just about ready to bloom. A few marigolds are already blooming, and the big flatleaf parsley plant from last year is about ready to bloom too. I read parsley flowers are a good pollinator attracter.

I saw the first yellow blooms on my stupice tomatoes. There are other unopened blossoms on other tomatoes.

I'm going to try to put up some trellises today. The beans need it now. Cukes can wait a while.
Those are great looking!

Thanks for the compliment. I can tell you that the pallet wood 2x4 trellis with the leftover wire fencing is rock sold - you could swing from it. I expect it will last me many years. Dear Wife loves it. Cost me zero dollars to build with salvaged materials.


For anyone interested in garden related pallet projects, check out the thread: Show Me Your Pallet Projects! It was originally a spin-off of this gardening thread but has grown to include all kinds of pallet wood/salvaged wood projects many BYC members have built.
Garden looks good. We’ve had a bit of rain. Under a tornado watch until 11 pm.

More garlic harvested. We have one more variety that isn’t quite ready yet.

The sweet potato plants look good. They love to be well watered at first, and since I left the sprinkler on just this part of the bed for 2 hours (oops) yesterday, they are quite happy.

Borage and Orach (red plant). Orach is edible and related to spinach. Yes, it tastes like spinach.


Clearly herbicide was sprayed…. All of a sudden lots of curled/deformed leaves. This is a cotton plant. I’ve got over 100 acres farm field behind me, and over 100 acres of farm across the street. Usually they are not spraying herbicide this late.

Tonight the plan is to cook a chicken we raised (processed last fall), with freshly harvested (this afternoon) potatoes, and carrots canned last fall.
Q on planting beans after garlic.

So, most resources say do not plant beans after harvesting garlic. But, this is my only option right now. The resources mostly indicate certain “illnesses” that can be a problem. But, anyone with first hand knowledge? I just want to plant green beans and carrots. The carrots are fine with or after garlic -great companions. But, what about the green beans?
We've been using pvc lattice for years and years. It takes a tiny bit more effort to weave the vine back and forth through the holes as it grows but it works great and is also easy to clean off when the plant is dead.
I have some of that. But the way my beds are set up the cukes would only be accessible from the front. So it has to be some trellis shape that I can harvest through.

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