What did you do in the garden today?

He's so pretty
Another beautiful day today. I have been cracking black walnuts. Here is my opinion on cracking. I used a hammer as a kid and then a bench vise as a adult. Finally black walnut nut crackers. I have 2 different ones and like one better. It doesn't matter much how you crack them the main thing is a good wire cutter to help get the meat out after cracking. I like the. mini flush cutting wire cutter the best. I am done buying the latest best cracker. They all show nice big pieces from their cracker. The truth is some fall right out and the rest take work with the cutter to get nice pieces.
OH and if I ever DO can late into the night, then I just test them first thing when I get up. That is 6-8 hours as well.
Yes, I always check first thing in the morning also. I should have specified that any jars canned earlier in the day that have been out of the canners long enough that "should" have sealed but haven't, go into the fridge before I go to bed even if it hasn't been the "12 hours" but I try to leave the ones that have sealed alone for a minimum of 12 hours so I don't mess up the seal. Rarely, but on occasion, I have had a few jars lose their seal. One time my daughter & I were in the kitchen, we heard a loud "pop". What???? Everything had been sealed. Upon looking, one lid was no longer down. Into the fridge it went to be eaten soon....
Sooooooo.... All my newly canned chicken and broth were solid. No seal fails except the one jar we ate last night for dinner. I put some in the pantry and carried the rest to the storage closet. I randomly checked the seals on other goods that are stored in there. I came across a jar of canned sugar rush hot peppers from last year where the button was clearly up. I pulled the jar and took it out to the compost intending to dump it. To my surprise... I had apparently canned it with two lids under the ring. 😂 After I removed the extra lid, the bottom lid was still firmly sealed to the jar. No fail.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is yet another reason why you should remove your rings. 😂😂😂
I want to get up the courage to do that so badly!
Won't lie. It scares me. It's the last bathroom in the house I need to do though.
But I'm 5,7, and 9 years older than the last remodels. LOL.
I did decide to just do it in baby steps each morning and clean up and then have lunch.
Then I'm not looking at or living in a disaster zone, which could be avoided with working on the other bathrooms. The master bathroom, not so much.
Won't lie. It scares me. It's the last bathroom in the house I need to do though.
But I'm 5,7, and 9 years older than the last remodels. LOL.
I did decide to just do it in baby steps each morning and clean up and then have lunch.
Then I'm not looking at or living in a disaster zone, which could be avoided with working on the other bathrooms. The master bathroom, not so much.
I have 2 bathrooms that need remodeled. The kids/guest bath should be really simple. It's just a matter of pulling out the 1980s shower/tub unit (it's all one piece) and using the Kerdi system & tile to create a walk-in shower. I keep telling myself "YOU CAN DO THIS!" I've watched YouTube videos a dozen times. There's really nothing complicated about it. And I'm off work all next week.... I just gotta convince DH to let me try. 😂

The master bath is a little more complicated. I basically want to swap my current shower with one of my walk-in closets. They are right next to each other. The hard part is that I'd have to cut out 5 ft of slab to extend the existing drain. The water lines should be easy to extend because both locations are essentially on the same outer wall. But making this swap would give me a big walk-in shower and a much more functional layout of the bathroom.
Sooooooo.... All my newly canned chicken and broth were solid. No seal fails except the one jar we ate last night for dinner. I put some in the pantry and carried the rest to the storage closet. I randomly checked the seals on other goods that are stored in there. I came across a jar of canned sugar rush hot peppers from last year where the button was clearly up. I pulled the jar and took it out to the compost intending to dump it. To my surprise... I had apparently canned it with two lids under the ring. 😂 After I removed the extra lid, the bottom lid was still firmly sealed to the jar. No fail.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is yet another reason why you should remove your rings. 😂😂😂
When I was learning about canning, my friend told me she checks all her jars about once a month to make sure they are still sealed. I try to do this. Usually I don't find any, but once in awhile I do...
I have 2 bathrooms that need remodeled. The kids/guest bath should be really simple. It's just a matter of pulling out the 1980s shower/tub unit (it's all one piece) and using the Kerdi system & tile to create a walk-in shower. I keep telling myself "YOU CAN DO THIS!" I've watched YouTube videos a dozen times. There's really nothing complicated about it. And I'm off work all next week.... I just gotta convince DH to let me try. 😂

The master bath is a little more complicated. I basically want to swap my current shower with one of my walk-in closets. They are right next to each other. The hard part is that I'd have to cut out 5 ft of slab to extend the existing drain. The water lines should be easy to extend because both locations are essentially on the same outer wall. But making this swap would give me a big walk-in shower and a much more functional layout of the bathroom.
Oh, it never starts out complicated. It's what you find when you take that all out you find something rotten, broken, or the replacement doesn't quite fit.
Next task is beating out the frame tiles and taking out the frame for the tub. Then I need to drain the PEX and cap them and then I can start cutting out the tub.
Baby steps.

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