What did you do in the garden today?

I got some work done in the garden. Enough to probably give me a sore back.

The chickens got a couple buckets of weeds, and 3 buckets of grass roots got dumped in the woods.
Same here, thank goodness for ibuprofen and tylenol. I finally got the giant fennel rousted out of one of the raised beds, it could have stayed if it didn't keep trying to take over every year. If only the dill grew as well.

Time to buy enough asparagus to pickle and can, I bought some fancy tall jars last spring to make it extra pretty so it's time to get going.
Ah, it hailed, it rained, it's still raining. But we got a rainbow and the flowers are still pretty!

I watered plants in the hoop and fed the kale some blood meal.

The carrots are starting to look like carrots!

The broccoli is really getting big!


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I have. I scrambled them and dehydrated those, and then hit the dehydrated bits with the blender to make a powder.
I've read that reconstituted eggs are pretty much only good for baking. They don't make good scrambled eggs, etc because they come across gritty. That's probably fine because I am just experimenting and would probably use them for baking anyway....
I've read that reconstituted eggs are pretty much only good for baking. They don't make good scrambled eggs, etc because they come across gritty. That's probably fine because I am just experimenting and would probably use them for baking anyway....
That is correct. But in a pinch....
I used them for baking and for adding to protein shakes, or adding to winter chicken feed.
I have tried the 16-inch okra, and the Heavy Hitter okra from Bakers Creek and I prefer the Heavy Hitter. I don't like the texture, light green color and taste of the 16-inch okra variety.

The okra in this video look like the Heavy Hitter okra.
I have never tried roasted Okra before, I will try cooking it this way as soon as my plants kick some out.

thank you. can't wait to grow okra.

as I am running late with my seeds I bought 2 tomato, 6 different bell peppers, 2 hot peppers, 2 cucumbers and 2 white eggplant seedlings.

I also plan to swap a pair of geese for olive trees. a neighbor of mine is interested in.
Last year I bought a pear tree, of course it didn’t bloom in the first year, then in winter, it looked kind of dead ( I know they loose their leaves, but it kind of looked like dried up 😬) now I am happy to say only part of it died ( maybe too cold 🤷🏻‍♀️) but the rest if it looks stunning ( for me 😉)


I tried to get pineapple sage to propagate, so I took 2 tips and put them in pots, last night the wind blew one of them around so now I only have 1 plant left ( I gave away the mother plant as a gift ) 😞
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