What did you do in the garden today?


Neighbors clematis is in bloom, since it is attached to my fence, I feel half of it is mine, cos I also water it in summer, I sometimes wonder how he thinks it survived our dry summers šŸ¤”

Here is my own clematis, I love it
My birds chill in the blackberry patch all the time
It's only a problem when the fruit's ripe
I wonder what's the problem with my chickens. They free range around raspberry plants and will patiently wait for me to pick the berries to feed them. No one bothered to get raspberries from the bush themselves! I couldn't figure out why? Of course, I don't have the thornless type...
I am surprised, usually the feathers are good insulators šŸ¤” my chickens harvest the flowers before they even turn into cherries šŸ˜¬ but they harvest the gooseberries and red currants before I get a taste ( not a fan of red currants anyway, too sour) interesting fact, they donā€™t harvest white mulberries, maybe cos they are white they donā€™t ā€œseeā€ them? I am happy, cos I love white mulberries, not to crazy about the dark ones, they are kind of bland

These are older pictures, since I have rehomed my chickens until I can take care of them again

Orpington Chicken, trying to jump šŸ˜‚

Here is an elegant jump from a chicken which lays green eggs, she is a cross between many breeds and sterile, every year I have tried to hatch her eggs, never got one baby chicken from her, all the other hatching eggs from my other hens mostly became chickens šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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Never had ants attack plants. I see many on my Peonies, but I've heard that's a good thing. Some sure like attacking me though! šŸœ European Fire Ants...those little Ba$!@rd$!
Peonies NEED ants. They won't open without them. The ants chew the honeydew on the plant and crack open the flower pods.
I never saw my chickens eating flowers. They are really weird chickens who don't like store bought strawberries and will not eat treats from my hand if I was wearing a rubber glove. :idunno And there's a supper fat mouse that is their friend. When I gave out treats (grains and lettuce), they make noise and the mouse always comes to eat treats with them. Yes, the mouse even eats lettuce with them. However, they did attack and killed a frog, before I could save it.
My birds chill in the blackberry patch all the time
It's only a problem when the fruit's ripe
I donā€™t know if itā€™s bc heā€™s young or what but he wouldnā€™t leave the baby/unripe berries alone! Kept trying to pick them off - a few he did!
Tomorrow I think Iā€™ll put them under the mulberry tree and give it a hard shake!

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