What did you do in the garden today?

Black seeded simpson is a pretty nice variety.
I grew it last year.

BSS has a mild, delicate flavor, but it doesn't handle heat well. When mine bolts the chickens will get a treat!
Thanks. I've never grown head lettuce.

I didn't see any growing zone suggestions.
If you decide to, I highly recommend growing the variety I linked.

You can grow them in any zone. I would suggest if you are in a warmer zone, plant them in a shaded spot to prevent bolting.
I have redbud tree seed sprouting. I experimented with pear cuttings from pruning. A few are breaking bud too early to say success but hopeful. I use a few unusual moisture conserving methods on cuttings and grafts. I used to use parafilm wrap then I used shellack spray and these I coated with wood glue. All have worked. Anti desiccant.


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I dug a lot of heavy clay today. I'm digging out the perimeter of the heavy soil garden, and I got one of the short ends done. The other short end is where the grape vines are, and I dug that area a few weeks ago. That's what gave me the idea.

I also split 3 sunflowers that were in one pot into 3 pots. Lesson learned: Plant ONE sunflower seed in each pot. They sprout and grow well. If the one seed doesn't come up, replant.

I'm going to start hardening off the sunflowers, starting on Wednesday, I think. I need to wait until after the rain on Tuesday. Sunflowers will be the first things out of the green house to start the next part of their journey.
I have black beauty and some yellow. I plan to plant 1 variety first and about 3 months later when it is done I will plant another one. that way they don't cross pollinate.
I'm only planting yellow zucchini this year , it's so much easier to find on plant. I like the idea of staggering the plantings that way I can taste the difference between green and yellow.

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