What did you do with your flock today?

Walked around in the mud and water to take care of all the flock today. 🙄
Today I was outside drawing with Iris snuggled on my lap. He was there for at least 30 minutes, but I had to put him down because Papa Smurf found a snack and Iris wanted to eat it. Beigie was also on my lap at one point, until the wind blew my paper. Then there was nothing but her outline. :lau

I also got a few pictures.


They somehow managed to spill water all over there coop this morning, so I had to replace a lot of the sand. I also got some sort of blister while cleaning them, which has never happened before. :/
They sell stinging nettle at our farmers market. I can’t believe people actually eat that. I can’t even touch it.
It's usually boiled, which mutes the toxins. Or so they say, haven't actually tried it myself.
Stinging nettle is actually really good for chickens, especially for winter egg production, if you dry and save some.
Fed them fermented mash and filled the dry feeder. Collected eggs thrice. Put the second batch of Leghorn eggs into the incubator 5 days behind the first batch, and 5 days until the last batch. Welsummers next, the Dominiques, trying to work in my Buff Orpington pair (one of each) in the process somewhere. Each breed seems to take about a month. I will start earlier next year.
Do the ducklings ever jump in? If they do can they get out?

Ima worrier.

Yes they jump in. But that video was taken while I was refilling the tank.
normally when there's ducklings I make sure I keep the water level as full as possible so they can get out. There are cement steps in there too for when the water level does drop-down some.
They have no trouble getting out as long as someone doesn't pick on them and push them under and keep them in.

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