What did you do with your flock today?

Hey broody coop done she was ticked when I took her put her in broody coop with 8 eggs


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I’ve been making progress with Nikki and Coco. They don’t love me yet, and they won’t come to me, but they don’t mind too much when I grab them.
Santa, on the other hand, screams bloody murder whenever I even stick my hands near her. She’s also bitten me a few times, but I’ve been expecting that. They’ve realized they’re safe in the coop, so if I’m in the run longer than five minutes, they all hide in there.
DH & I have been busy building a tiny coop for Frankie’s blind silkie. We call it the hut. (Harriets Hut).

Because she’s blind we realized we’d need to make the door big enough that she doesn’t have to duck to get in/out. Smacking her head on the wood might’ve deterred her from using it.:p

I’m hoping we can have it done tomorrow. :fl




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