What did you do with your flock today?

Broody buddies.
Oh wow! My daughter would kill for one of your bunnies and secretly so would I. My husband makes us stop at chicks. No bunnies. Three dogs is the limit- he is getting in a new dog which is fair. I have mine and my daughter has his and it’s his turn and then we got the three chicks a piece sort of - we have nine so far. Anyway he makes us stop when it comes to bunnies but my daughter and I are scheming to devise a plan for a Flemish Giant for sure. They are so pretty!
Oh wow! My daughter would kill for one of your bunnies and secretly so would I. My husband makes us stop at chicks. No bunnies. Three dogs is the limit- he is getting in a new dog which is fair. I have mine and my daughter has his and it’s his turn and then we got the three chicks a piece sort of - we have nine so far. Anyway he makes us stop when it comes to bunnies but my daughter and I are scheming to devise a plan for a Flemish Giant for sure. They are so pretty!
We have a crazy house full of critters it is myself my husband 10yo daughter and 6&8yo boys so in the house we have 2beagles, 4cats, 9leopard frogs, fish, crayfish and my mealworm farm outside we have 44chickens, 8ducks, 6turkeys, 7guineas and 3bunnies in the main coop and 8roo's in the batchler pad and 147quail in there own pen and my daughter ordered 60quail eggs with out my knowledge and evidently i had eggs coming i forgot about cause these little beauties showed up this morning 8eggs my husband jokes that I love the animals more than him


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We have a crazy house full of critters it is myself my husband 10yo daughter and 6&8yo boys so in the house we have 2beagles, 4cats, 9leopard frogs, fish, crayfish and my mealworm farm outside we have 44chickens, 8ducks, 6turkeys, 7guineas and 3bunnies in the main coop and 8roo's in the batchler pad and 147quail in there own pen and my daughter ordered 60quail eggs with out my knowledge and evidently i had eggs coming i forgot about cause these little beauties showed up this morning 8eggs my husband jokes that I love the animals more than him
WOW! You definitely have a major zoo or large aviary on your hands for sure but probably both with the kids included! Lol! Sounds like a blast! My kind of place. Sounds like you have your hands full and your pocketbook out all the time at the grocery store or the feed store for sure. Lots of little mouths to feed. Do you farm or grow anything to help you out?
WOW! You definitely have a major zoo or large aviary on your hands for sure but probably both with the kids included! Lol! Sounds like a blast! My kind of place. Sounds like you have your hands full and your pocketbook out all the time at the grocery store or the feed store for sure. Lots of little mouths to feed. Do you farm or grow anything to help you out?
Yes watermelon carrots cucumbers lettuce and bell peppers thankfully my kids will eat all of those things and then some and my hubby and I both hunt so a freezer full of deer meat isn't bad for us and a friend of mine is a farmer so I get hay and straw at a discount
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Yes watermelon carrots cucumbers lettuce and bell peppers thankfully my kids will eat all of those things and then some and my hubby and I both hunt so a freezer full of deer meat isn't bad for us and a friend of mine is a farmer so I get hay and straw at a discount
That is great! Props on the kiddos eating their veggies too that’s awesome. My oldest is a girl now grown but not gone and she would eat most all veggies just about and as a toddler not even walking her Daddy had her eating salad out of his bowl on Saturday nights at the local Fish houses. My youngest is of age but special needs so his veggie include potatoes and cucumbers only. He loves mushrooms thank goodness for that! At least I can push some vitamin D his way there! Lol! My husband also hunts and I am willing and capable except I have rarely been able due to a long list of reasons which I am sure as a Mom you can figure out since I mentioned special needs. My son is 21 and requires 24:7 supervision and my daughter we can leave him with as of this last year whenever we need to but up until now we have never left them alone and overnight together but they would be fine I think now. He fussed if we were gone. My parents both passed away in their 90’s last year and they were our baby sitter support. Well I have gone down a rabbit hole. However, I plan to try to hunt this year is what I was trying to get around too since my daughter is in better shape with things to be able to care for him alone and overnight if she has to. We are looking forward to getting some deer meat this year- a buck and hopefully the bag limit a piece on three does I believe for MS. That would be a freezer and another one which I have sitting empty and waiting for all that meat. That would last us awhile! We would share though. I am putting up two bushel of peas today. I bought those. I put up three gallons of our Roma tomatoes yesterday for spaghetti sauce or base for soups or chili. Not too bad. We had way too much Rain this Spring and it was too cold at the beginning also. They put out but the vines didn’t grow y’all enough due to the rain weighing them down. It was a mess. Crazy weather. Now it is burning up everything way too early. All the garden is gone. Cucumbers for the first runs are looking like squash or gourds and now they are straightening out some but they have tasted awful. My herbs for the chickens have done okay and that is about it. My potato crop was a flop. Flooded out and fried. Had to pull them at 90 days for a 100 day planting.

What do you bed the coop floor with Hay? And the boxes? I have been using shavings untreated in the brooder pen but my chicks don’t seem to like them. They want to kick them out and get to the clear bottom and lay on it instead no matter what is underneath them. I can’t seem to make sense of it. What do you think they would prefer in the coop? My new coop is just about ready to be opened up to them and the run also which is all grass yard right now. I got six bags of untreated shavings to line the coop and then put in the run if needed to do the deep litter method as needed. I live in “town" but my “town” is a rural suburban part of the county whose main cities are not the town that I live in. Our “town” is way more rural and loose - restrictions wise than these other cities. Just about 50-60-% of the citizens have some type of farm animal at their home. It is mostly chickens or a rooster. There are actually many more roosters closer to me than I realized until just the other day when we had a coyote attack and many sightings in town. I just don’t want things to smell because even though we are very laid back on restrictions we are still very close to one another and I have a church next to me on one side. I own the whole block so I just have one neighbor on one side next door that concerns me but they are very close to my back door and the coop on one side then the church and all others are across the street and away from the coop etc. should be no problems their. I have PDZ and DE for coop refresher and the DE for dust bathe ingredient and maybe mites later in coop also. So I’m good there to spruce things up. I just wondered what you thought best to use on the coop floor for bedding and then in the run when the grass dies. The run is completely covered. They have all shade on both side so no water issue but enough sun can come in for some sun bathing. They will get that as needed and to be healthy. Well I have prattled on for a week. I am just so excited to get mine in the coop ASAP just fighting all this extreme heat indices that have been just killers lately. Hopefully it will cut us a break soon. Mine are feather picking some out of boredom. I need them O-U-T! Real B-A-D! Lol! Have a lovely evening with your nice menageries! Oh by the way - was that a Flemish that I did see?
That is great! Props on the kiddos eating their veggies too that’s awesome. My oldest is a girl now grown but not gone and she would eat most all veggies just about and as a toddler not even walking her Daddy had her eating salad out of his bowl on Saturday nights at the local Fish houses. My youngest is of age but special needs so his veggie include potatoes and cucumbers only. He loves mushrooms thank goodness for that! At least I can push some vitamin D his way there! Lol! My husband also hunts and I am willing and capable except I have rarely been able due to a long list of reasons which I am sure as a Mom you can figure out since I mentioned special needs. My son is 21 and requires 24:7 supervision and my daughter we can leave him with as of this last year whenever we need to but up until now we have never left them alone and overnight together but they would be fine I think now. He fussed if we were gone. My parents both passed away in their 90’s last year and they were our baby sitter support. Well I have gone down a rabbit hole. However, I plan to try to hunt this year is what I was trying to get around too since my daughter is in better shape with things to be able to care for him alone and overnight if she has to. We are looking forward to getting some deer meat this year- a buck and hopefully the bag limit a piece on three does I believe for MS. That would be a freezer and another one which I have sitting empty and waiting for all that meat. That would last us awhile! We would share though. I am putting up two bushel of peas today. I bought those. I put up three gallons of our Roma tomatoes yesterday for spaghetti sauce or base for soups or chili. Not too bad. We had way too much Rain this Spring and it was too cold at the beginning also. They put out but the vines didn’t grow y’all enough due to the rain weighing them down. It was a mess. Crazy weather. Now it is burning up everything way too early. All the garden is gone. Cucumbers for the first runs are looking like squash or gourds and now they are straightening out some but they have tasted awful. My herbs for the chickens have done okay and that is about it. My potato crop was a flop. Flooded out and fried. Had to pull them at 90 days for a 100 day planting.

What do you bed the coop floor with Hay? And the boxes? I have been using shavings untreated in the brooder pen but my chicks don’t seem to like them. They want to kick them out and get to the clear bottom and lay on it instead no matter what is underneath them. I can’t seem to make sense of it. What do you think they would prefer in the coop? My new coop is just about ready to be opened up to them and the run also which is all grass yard right now. I got six bags of untreated shavings to line the coop and then put in the run if needed to do the deep litter method as needed. I live in “town" but my “town” is a rural suburban part of the county whose main cities are not the town that I live in. Our “town” is way more rural and loose - restrictions wise than these other cities. Just about 50-60-% of the citizens have some type of farm animal at their home. It is mostly chickens or a rooster. There are actually many more roosters closer to me than I realized until just the other day when we had a coyote attack and many sightings in town. I just don’t want things to smell because even though we are very laid back on restrictions we are still very close to one another and I have a church next to me on one side. I own the whole block so I just have one neighbor on one side next door that concerns me but they are very close to my back door and the coop on one side then the church and all others are across the street and away from the coop etc. should be no problems their. I have PDZ and DE for coop refresher and the DE for dust bathe ingredient and maybe mites later in coop also. So I’m good there to spruce things up. I just wondered what you thought best to use on the coop floor for bedding and then in the run when the grass dies. The run is completely covered. They have all shade on both side so no water issue but enough sun can come in for some sun bathing. They will get that as needed and to be healthy. Well I have prattled on for a week. I am just so excited to get mine in the coop ASAP just fighting all this extreme heat indices that have been just killers lately. Hopefully it will cut us a break soon. Mine are feather picking some out of boredom. I need them O-U-T! Real B-A-D! Lol! Have a lovely evening with your nice menageries! Oh by the way - was that a Flemish that I did see?
I'm here in Northern Ohio the weather is always bonkers here we have a saying here if you don't like the weather just wait 5min it will change. My crop has done well only because i have a greenhouse to protect them from the elements well thats what i think is the reason I use straw in my coop and nestboxes and sand and mulch in my run. my run floor is clay dirt and it was like a marsh before I put in the sand now it stays pretty dry unless my ducks decide to go wild in the pond water and my batchler pad that has 9residents they are so funnyya I used to be a nurse in a nursing home for special needs kids and young adults i totally understand i used to take some of my sweetheart birds to work with me and my kids on my unit would take care of them for the day they loved it i used to hatch eggs at work to they really loved that does your son help care for your flock if he is able to I would so let him and no they are not Flemish they are New Zealands i have 2 New Zealand's and one mini Rex my mini Rex is prego if you didn't live so far from me I would so bring you and your daughter a baby when they were old enough
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I discovered that Spook's father and auntie -- Moltres and Articuno, respectively -- have sadly been killed. I found a couple clumps of feathers near the driveway earlier, and they weren't in the coop last night.
Unfortunately, Spook is now the sole remaining guinea in my flock.
Other than that, what I did with my flock today consisted of spoiling Poppy, giving Zapraska a quick squeeze, and taking Spook with me on a walk. The precious darling follows me everywhere! He even waits for me to come outside to put the birds in for the night before he even thinks of going into the coop!
I am sorry you lost them!

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