What did you do with your flock today?

How are you guys handling the storms @FrankieDoodle and @room onthebroom ?? Looks like a pretty good storm based on the Doppler! I'm not sure I was able to keep the wind from heading your way! Sorry!
It’s been pretty, cold, wet & windy. Is 3:00 in the afternoon too early to go to bed? 🤣
I hate when I accidentally add random pics haha! Lucky dog getting a memory foam bed!! Those things aren't as easy to cut as I thought they would be. We got one for our popup camper bed and it was too big so we decided to trim it down...boy does it look like two very drunk people cut that thing! :D Sure makes camping more enjoyable though.
I had originally planned on cutting it up into squares similar to what was in the bed originally. But yes, it's hard to cut. So I just cut it in half, laid one half on top of the other and stuffed and squished it until it was neatly inside the bed casing. The topper was $60. The original bed we got on sale for $100 four years ago (he's a very large dog and is a service dog, so his hips need to go the distance). NOW the bed company is selling the same dog bed for just under $400. That is just insanity IMO, so I needed to find a way to refresh the bed for a reasonable price.
He's an Anatolian Shepherd. Some people call them Turkish Kangals...and some people think they're 2 separate breeds. Either way, it's a livestock guardian breed. His daddy is 165 pounds. They've been bred for 6,000 years to do one job: independently guard livestock. So, he's supposed to basically have the attitude of "Dont bother me...I'll decide for myself what I deem important." We've also got them as livestock dogs, but this particular one lives indoors. They're absolute softies with their people, but take their t---i---m---e about everything, unless there's a threat and then they are ON it!

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