What did you do with your flock today?


So this evening I finished work a little later than usual (work remotely from home) so I got outside to shoo everyone in later than the ladies and gents are used to.

I get outside with the feed bin. Do the regular sounds to get their attention. Start thinking about who to shoo where, then decide to feed the littles first and just see who follows me into the enclosed run (the more who follow, the fewer I need to actively wrangle).

I get into the enclosed run with feed container in hand, start sprinkling a bit here and a bit there (not too much, mind you...it's been raining all day and will continue tonight). I turn around and see that EVERY SINGLE CHICKEN...ALL 35...have voluntarily come into the enclosed run. No one squabbling, all looking for food as if it hasnt been there available all day. So I decide right then and there that I'm moving all of the "junk" from the outer yard to the enclosed run so that everyone will have a place out of the elements if they decide not to roost inside the actual coop (this is the coop with two 11.5 foot long roosting bars). Everyone got busy checking out all the stuff I was putting in the run. No one seemed too perturbed. And as I walked back to the house, all I heard were some quiet little "brk brks" from the ladies.

Hopefully they'll all get along til morning.
Oh I love those golden moments when everything is right in chicken world ♡♡♡
A big congratulations! Welcome to chicken keeping :jumpy :ya:jumpy:jumpy at its finest ♡
I'm sure the girls will screw up tomorrow lol

Hey, how's the magic box? Still a favorite? Was thinking if it was not so darn hot here I'd get one. I just love that thing.
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Aloha gang.
Was so darn busy today... it messed up my catch up of all things left undone yesterday. What?!! I did not get ahead today and tomorrow we go take foster kittens to vets and pick up MIL. And that means adult caretaking. So, nothing else is going to get done.

DH had a small surgery early this am. So we were up at 4am to get ready to be there by 6, then some shopping in town because why not. We only went to 3 stores and were pretty much in and out. Almost absolutely nothing on the shelves and pretty much no people. Just strange.
We also went to a restaurant to eat. The first I have been to in years. They had super safe protocol and the waitress was as nice as can be BUT I am happy to not go out to eat. I will stick with to-go's on those special occasions when I don't have to cook.

Was nice to get home to the flock. Opening up the run and letting them out, they were all perfectly well behaved. Kind of had a golden chicken moment myself ♡ they all disappeared after awhile of free-range and I found them all under the star fruit tree pulling down some big fruits. They were having a blast.

Gal pal came by and got some meds, supplements and a little advice for her sick roo. He got sour crop from bad feed after the rains. Poor guy ♡
We bought our property sight unseen (well, only seen online) because it checked off all of our boxes. We it's wanted out of the city. It's been a LOT of work, but even more of a blessing. Yes, everything is old and everything needs one level of TLC or another. But we feel blessed every single day.

I lived in Israel for 21 years during my previous marriage. I had only planned to be there for 6-12 months. Then one thing after another and before ya know it, you've been somewhere for more than 2 decades. Regret the marriage, don't regret the lovely kids. Miss the lemons. 🤣
What an adventure! I love that sight unseen, very brave. Think of doing that myself every now and then. Well, very courageous. I hope the house is everything and more of what you hoped for.
What city did you exit from? How big is your property? How do you like the change? And the extra work?

So this evening I finished work a little later than usual (work remotely from home) so I got outside to shoo everyone in later than the ladies and gents are used to.

I get outside with the feed bin. Do the regular sounds to get their attention. Start thinking about who to shoo where, then decide to feed the littles first and just see who follows me into the enclosed run (the more who follow, the fewer I need to actively wrangle).

I get into the enclosed run with feed container in hand, start sprinkling a bit here and a bit there (not too much, mind you...it's been raining all day and will continue tonight). I turn around and see that EVERY SINGLE CHICKEN...ALL 35...have voluntarily come into the enclosed run. No one squabbling, all looking for food as if it hasnt been there available all day. So I decide right then and there that I'm moving all of the "junk" from the outer yard to the enclosed run so that everyone will have a place out of the elements if they decide not to roost inside the actual coop (this is the coop with two 11.5 foot long roosting bars). Everyone got busy checking out all the stuff I was putting in the run. No one seemed too perturbed. And as I walked back to the house, all I heard were some quiet little "brk brks" from the ladies.

Hopefully they'll all get along til morning.
Congratulations! Chickens are pretty quick to train. Its new ducks that take days & days & days of tenacity.
Aloha gang.
Was so darn busy today... it messed up my catch up of all things left undone yesterday. What?!! I did not get ahead today and tomorrow we go take foster kittens to vets and pick up MIL. And that means adult caretaking. So, nothing else is going to get done.

DH had a small surgery early this am. So we were up at 4am to get ready to be there by 6, then some shopping in town because why not. We only went to 3 stores and were pretty much in and out. Almost absolutely nothing on the shelves and pretty much no people. Just strange.
We also went to a restaurant to eat. The first I have been to in years. They had super safe protocol and the waitress was as nice as can be BUT I am happy to not go out to eat. I will stick with to-go's on those special occasions when I don't have to cook.

Was nice to get home to the flock. Opening up the run and letting them out, they were all perfectly well behaved. Kind of had a golden chicken moment myself ♡ they all disappeared after awhile of free-range and I found them all under the star fruit tree pulling down some big fruits. They were having a blast.

Gal pal came by and got some meds, supplements and a little advice for her sick roo. He got sour crop from bad feed after the rains. Poor guy ♡
Sounds like you had a long and busy day!! 4 am is so early! I do enjoy a busy day out and about every once in awhile, but then I’m ready to be home for another couple months haha.

So cute they were feeding themselves star fruits! 🤩 I hope your friend has success clearing out the sour crop! I am going to have anxiety every time a chickens crop is too big for the rest of my days 😩 I feel so bad for both chickens that I never even considered coccidiosis. I might’ve saved Ms Pretty if I’d thought of it sooner :-(. Fluff seemed a lot more like himself today so I feel a bit better than yesterday. Marianne was looking a bit puffed up and lethargic yesterday too and she looked better today as well—her comb had redden and she didn’t look so pale. I didn’t get much time to visit them all today though…I had my hair appointment and it always eats up most of a day to have it done haha. My stylist moved her business to Stockton and I hate change so I keep going to her even though it’s an hour away 😆 No rain tomorrow either so I can spend some time with them tomorrow! Need to freshen all the feeders and waters and pine shavings in the quail pens. Might make the chickens a salad or give them a butternut squash to peck at :)

So excited for Saturday! Husband is taking the kids to their grandparents house for a few days so I will have the house to myself most of the day and we are going to go out to dinner just the two of us for the first time in FOREVER. ☺️ And I think we are gonna go get the kitty on Sunday or Monday! 😍😍😍😍
Oh I love those golden moments when everything is right in chicken world ♡♡♡
A big congratulations! Welcome to chicken keeping :jumpy :ya:jumpy:jumpy at its finest ♡
I'm sure the girls will screw up tomorrow lol

Hey, how's the magic box? Still a favorite? Was thinking if it was not so darn hot here I'd get one. I just love that thing.
The magic box is still being used....albeit, emptied daily now. 😉

If you get one, my advice is to tape the lid on so it doesnt get knocked off in a strong wind gust. I'd had it taped until the day I was going to dismantle it. Then two nights ago, the wind blew the lid off and it got rained in. It's easy enough to reach in from the entrance and retrieve any eggs. If you use duct tape, it's also easy enough to just use a small strip and remove/replace whenever you need to clean out the bedding.
Hello! This is a place to post pictures/talk about what you and your flock have done today.

I was on a zoom call earlier and Iris, my rooster, decided to stand behind me and crow repeatedly. Thankfully I was on mute, but it was still annoying. They couldn’t see him, but they could see me trying to make him quiet, which was a little embarrassing. :lol:
Here’s a pic of my boy with some mini roses.
View attachment 2128202

What about you guys? Have you done anything interesting with your flock today?

Here are a few pictures of my birds.
View attachment 2128859View attachment 2128860View attachment 2128833View attachment 2128869
View attachment 2128894
I like the barn back drop
DH had a small surgery early this am. So we were up at 4am to get ready to be there by 6, then some shopping in town because why not....

.......Kind of had a golden chicken moment myself ♡ they all disappeared after awhile of free-range and I found them all under the star fruit tree pulling down some big fruits. They were having a blast.

Gal pal came by and got some meds, supplements and a little advice for her sick roo. He got sour crop from bad feed after the rains. Poor guy ♡
Good thoughts and well wishes for your DH to have a speedy recovery.

Soooooooo cute that your flock was helping themselves to a star fruit party. 🥰

Poor little roo. I hope he's better soon.

We've been dealing with nonstop rain for a week. The food is constantly getting wet, so I only put out a little at a time all throughout the day (thank goodness I work from home). I ordered some makeshift covers for the hanging tube feeders. The should be here in a few days. In the meantime, we'll struggle through however we can so the flock has enough to eat without it spoiling. Mud and much everywhere. I'm happy the earth is getting much needed replenishment. I just wish it wouldnt happen all at once without a sunny break.
What an adventure! I love that sight unseen, very brave. Think of doing that myself every now and then. Well, very courageous. I hope the house is everything and more of what you hoped for.
What city did you exit from? How big is your property? How do you like the change? And the extra work?
I should clarify. We made an offer while still in Colorado Springs, it got accepted, we moved out here for closing...so it was a gamble that we'd have moved and then decide not to close. But once we saw it in person, we loved it even more. 36 acres. Not such a big change so much as getting back to what I'd sort of come from growing up. It's not so much work for me as it is therapeutic. 😁

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