What did you do with your flock today?

I relly think you need to move the coop to a new location the really hard part connot take any infected birds to it. I know how hard on you that would be.
Yeah I would just have to quit chickening…my yard only has one place for a coop. The rest of the yard is landscaped with a pool and concrete. :-( I suppose I will just have to be patient and try to help them as best I can and when they are all gone I will deep clean and start over. :-(
Yeah I would just have to quit chickening…my yard only has one place for a coop. The rest of the yard is landscaped with a pool and concrete. :-( I suppose I will just have to be patient and try to help them as best I can and when they are all gone I will deep clean and start over. :-(
Scrub down with bleach then dirt. Bleach and dirt again
Okay my white bird that hatched is EE and Marans. No feathers on the legs but pretty started a dull white .. Guess need get a phot for you .. I have no longhorns and it was a blue egg.
She sounds really pretty! I’d love to see pics when you get them.

Can you believe that I’ve been raising chickens for 11 years, 12 in the spring, and Sonny will be one of my first solid white chickens? If I didn’t have Harriet (blind silkie I had for about a month before she passed away), Sonny would be the first.
Cleaned the serama coop and restuffed the View attachment 2941607walls with pine needles.
Woah, that’s so interesting! :0
I would love to have brain enough to take the photo..
I was in the coop breaking water that had turned to ice.
She was right there ? First day in two weeks over 24.
Cutting hardwire to keep rats our of the food. They chewed the opening on two so they could eat with the caps on them at night.
I will try to get a closer one tomorrow .. they had roosted did not want to disturb them.
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Ugh! Usuing my phone and am having a hard time, so...

Nice birds @PJ. ♡

Congrats (I think right?) @FD , that is a long wonderful time. Well, I find you very inspiring, your set up and flock amazing and your care impeccable. You have done a lot and come far in the decade ++ with your FL ok ck and chicken palace. That does not happen overnight. Bravo! 🐓🎉. Not to mention chicken artist and photographer extraordinaire!!! ♡♡♡♡

Waiting on @nchls school to hopefully come back and share more about the pretty awesome and unusual coop. May have to go snoop around if not. Curious.

Well, with the flock... I'm a bit of a dork again. I've been moving the boys around thinking I can find some magic peaceful combo again and I do for about 2-3 days... again, then the hens start cowering in dark corners of the run or Spider ends up in overtime in the yard AGAIN. So yesterday, after Fosters vet check and picking up MIL along with a small quick shop, I put BeBe in the open roo coop out of frustration and then Bolt followed shortly after. Also, I have a FTT (failure to thrive) out of my last very failed hatch that I have been nursing along. That little dork just makes it under my feet more than most and gets picked on by everybody now... feel bad but was on limited time because of MIL, travel, dinner and we have weather coming so I need to have things buttoned down. To top it all off the Jan 1 and its God awful war zone are upon us and I always take critters up the mountain BUT we have MIL and she and DH will be flying out on the first to take her home... and I am driving the hour in the morning to take them to the airport.... SOOOOO. I got all snappy and sharply let the boys and runt know that they are all already on super thin ice and it has just gotten MUCH thinner for them. They really NEED to behave. 🤯🤯🤯 Did I mention I have 2 more buff and now 1 light Brahma cockerel up and coming. :th yes, another hatchery LB boy. That makes 5 out of 11 from that hatchery.

Other than that, dinner got done, kitty's had a good check up and the night, though stressful was ok.
I'm looking forward to spending time, even if it is just a little, with my flock today. ♡

*** on a very sad side note, my customer/ friend just lost her whole flock of 15-20. All that I had hatched and/or grown out for her. Beautiful, beautiful chickens. That breaks my heart. Stay well all 🌺🐓
I'm very happy to report that my little man Easter Egger cockerell has FINALLY (at 20 weeks old) decided to share his voice with the world. He hadn't crowed once until this morning. The three Brown Leghorns (hatched the same day as the Easter Egger cockerell in question) haven't shut up since they were 2 weeks old. LOL But wow, what a way to make an entrance this morning. He flew up on top of the 8 foot tall enclosed run and crowed his heart outoud and clear for about half an hour. I'm so proud of my little guy 😁

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