What did you do with your flock today?

Thank you! I've never had chickens this consistently scared of everything. It's so weird! They were even scared of the mealworms when they first got some. Now that I think about it, the only thing that didn't immediately scare them was the ceramic cup I made for Iris. I've joked about making each chicken their own cup, but with how much they all love that thing and fight to be the first to drink out of it, I might actually have to. XD

I've never heard of an Aylesbury before! Do you have pictures?

Thank you!!

Thank you! The babies are still scared of the nest/coop. It's going to be cold and wet here for a few days, so the original date to move them out has been delayed to next week. I've tried putting them in the coop to get them used to it, but last time I did, Cher almost cried herself hoarse and they're not closer to being any less scared. In the past I've been able to put them in the coop a couple times and they get used to it, so this is so weird to me.
All these COVID chicks. :old

The pigeons are doing good! I'm in the process of making expansion plans, since the aviary they're in now is just barely big enough for two. And I might've found a few more pigeons that need to be adopted, but shhh. XD
This is my first major building project, so it's not going as smoothly as I would've liked. It's also in kind of a difficult location, but thankfully it's not as bad as the first place I wanted to build it. The time it's actually on flat ground. XD

I can't wait to see pics of your new birds!

I'm so glad to hear it sounds like she'll pull through! How's she doing today?

They're so cute! I love all your cat pics. ❤️

The deck is looking awesome!
yeah! These photos arent super recent, but still- Definitely aylesbury mix, I suspect pekin...
Sprightly (the one who raised the dead with her quacking) female, is on the left, Dougie is on the right in both- not sure if male or female. I love them to bits, will soon be taking in a third 😁


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Not that chickens ever look like they're smiling, but look at her face here. 🤣 I'm glad she's got spirit. Yes, i know I need to cut away some feathers. I just kept forgetting to bring scissors when I went to treat her outside, and yesterday just being brought indoors was trauma enough. I'll cut those long feathers this morning so they arent rubbing her wound.

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And I'm so glad i brought her in when i did. I woke up a few minutes sgo, looked at my phone and saw "23°F, feels like 14°F." 🥶

I'll be happy when her wound starts developing what @TropicalBabies called a turtle shell. At least then I'll know she's making progress towards getting back to normal. I want her to be able to enjoy being a chicken again. For now, I think I'll add a mirror at floor level for her and hang a whole cored apple or cabbage for her to peck at.
Yeah that is a pretty good look she's giving you hahaha. That is some cold temperatures! Brrr! We got down to 31 this morning and that is pretty cold for here, but I am not equipped for it anymore! I can't imagine 14 anymore! I will say that that look she's giving you is a good sign she's gonna be just fine! :D I bet she would like a nice treat! If she's at all cold, you might try cream of wheat too...I add Greek yogurt and a bit of nutridrench to it and it's a nice warm snack that is good for them! :)
Yeah that is a pretty good look she's giving you hahaha. That is some cold temperatures! Brrr! We got down to 31 this morning and that is pretty cold for here, but I am not equipped for it anymore! I can't imagine 14 anymore! I will say that that look she's giving you is a good sign she's gonna be just fine! :D I bet she would like a nice treat! If she's at all cold, you might try cream of wheat too...I add Greek yogurt and a bit of nutridrench to it and it's a nice warm snack that is good for them! :)
She's on food strike right now. I think she's both mad and depressed. I read that chickens love cat food and cat food is avout 30% protein, so I put some crushed up cat kibble in a little dish as a treat. She won't even touch that

I put a mirror in there and at first she was mad at that other chicken named Eidlog, who she didn't recognize. But now I think she likes having that Eidlog for company. 😉

I also took off the cover on the nest because she wouldnt come out. I added a branch for her to roost on too.

She doesnt realize how happy she is to be inside. It's raining ice right now and I'm shoveling the front porch every 30 minutes to avoid the 2 ft high pile of ice pellets like last time. I'll be glad when we can at least have steady 50° days for a while.
Aloha kakahiaka! Good morning, good morning! Boy, you all are the funniest neighbors to wake up to ♡ I see some new names and I want to say welcome to @FrankieDoodle 's (OP) thread. Very enjoyable for sure.
Well, wish you folks would send some of that cold this way... maybe tomorrow 😉. I was sweating a few times yesterday and had to turn on my little kitchen fan to help me cool. Low to mid 80s.
You guys are rocking your flocks. It is awesome to hear of all the great love and care you folks put into your babies. Thanks for giving me hope and faith so early this morning. ♡ again, send ice cubes.

Well, I am 5 days away from my hatch. I have had my incubator in my closet and it does not smell or I am immune to all chicken smells. My incubator read perfect, 100% of the time. When I had it on our covered lanai, even in fair weather it fluctuated so this is my lesson. I expect my best hatch yet (touch wood). I am almost ready! Better pick up medicated starter TODAY.
Flock is wonderful and into a nice pattern. Giving them the garden relieves a lot of stress. Giving up extra roos relieved more. I let Buff B. Cockerel out to free-range and skulk so only Spider (and 4+mo LB cockerel) in with the girls. Caught LB pullet checking out nest box today. Ya know the glance b4 the nesting material upheaval a few weeks later. Nice ♡!
My Cinnamon Queens have been laying non stop and i totally fear for them. Yesterday one gave me a monster egg, most likely a dbl yolk. Poor babies.
Well, pau with the deck and putting finished furniture on plus cat tree. Nice to almost have it back. Better get to work THOUGH... DH got tossed by Cisco AGAIN. Lucky he landed on soft beach sand but I do have a bit of a patient and extra chores today. I hope it is just soreness and nothing more 🤞🤞🤞🤞
She's on food strike right now. I think she's both mad and depressed. I read that chickens love cat food and cat food is avout 30% protein, so I put some crushed up cat kibble in a little dish as a treat. She won't even touch that

I put a mirror in there and at first she was mad at that other chicken named Eidlog, who she didn't recognize. But now I think she likes having that Eidlog for company. 😉

I also took off the cover on the nest because she wouldnt come out. I added a branch for her to roost on too.

She doesnt realize how happy she is to be inside. It's raining ice right now and I'm shoveling the front porch every 30 minutes to avoid the 2 ft high pile of ice pellets like last time. I'll be glad when we can at least have steady 50° days for a while.
Ugh, that weather sounds AWFUL. Yuck!! So I don't know about this, but you might try canned cat food instead of the dry stuff. I had a very sick hen who wouldn't eat anything, but that horrific wet cat food smell was too much for her to ignore and she ate the whole can! I love that you named her chicken friend Eidlog, that is awesome. :D I hope that she comes to appreciate her warm little tush being indoors! :) I'm sad for you though, sounds like you are having quite the day!!
Okay everyone...I have an opportunity to get a mildly used Large Coop Omlet Eglu with the 9 ft run an automatic Eglu door, and an extra roost bar for $750...should I do it?? It would hold about 10-12 bantams...I need help deciding if the cost is worth it! Brand new all of that would be about $1500 so it's definitely the cheapest I will ever find it and it's much more likely to last in comparison to my prefab coop. My husband is seriously going to strangle me :D
Morning second cup here it is cold 18 here.
@GoatsandGuineas Buy some blue coat then when she has the turtle shell she can go back to the flock:jumpy
Thanks for that suggestion. I admit, i have no idea what blue coat is, so I'll look that up and see if our local co-op has it. 🙂

Ugh, that weather sounds AWFUL. Yuck!! So I don't know about this, but you might try canned cat food instead of the dry stuff. I had a very sick hen who wouldn't eat anything, but that horrific wet cat food smell was too much for her to ignore and she ate the whole can! I love that you named her chicken friend Eidlog, that is awesome. :D I hope that she comes to appreciate her warm little tush being indoors! :) I'm sad for you though, sounds like you are having quite the day!!

I'll hafta wait on wet cat food (DH calls it fish bait because that's what it smells like). The roads are impossible to drive on until Friday at the earliest. I do have canned tuna...do you think that's ok to give her?

Goldie hasn't quite started talking to her reflection yet, but hopefully it'll cheer her up some.
Aloha kakahiaka! Good morning, good morning! Boy, you all are the funniest neighbors to wake up to ♡ I see some new names and I want to say welcome to @FrankieDoodle 's (OP) thread. Very enjoyable for sure.
Well, wish you folks would send some of that cold this way... maybe tomorrow 😉. I was sweating a few times yesterday and had to turn on my little kitchen fan to help me cool. Low to mid 80s.
You guys are rocking your flocks. It is awesome to hear of all the great love and care you folks put into your babies. Thanks for giving me hope and faith so early this morning. ♡ again, send ice cubes.

Well, I am 5 days away from my hatch. I have had my incubator in my closet and it does not smell or I am immune to all chicken smells. My incubator read perfect, 100% of the time. When I had it on our covered lanai, even in fair weather it fluctuated so this is my lesson. I expect my best hatch yet (touch wood). I am almost ready! Better pick up medicated starter TODAY.
Flock is wonderful and into a nice pattern. Giving them the garden relieves a lot of stress. Giving up extra roos relieved more. I let Buff B. Cockerel out to free-range and skulk so only Spider (and 4+mo LB cockerel) in with the girls. Caught LB pullet checking out nest box today. Ya know the glance b4 the nesting material upheaval a few weeks later. Nice ♡!
My Cinnamon Queens have been laying non stop and i totally fear for them. Yesterday one gave me a monster egg, most likely a dbl yolk. Poor babies.
Well, pau with the deck and putting finished furniture on plus cat tree. Nice to almost have it back. Better get to work THOUGH... DH got tossed by Cisco AGAIN. Lucky he landed on soft beach sand but I do have a bit of a patient and extra chores today. I hope it is just soreness and nothing more 🤞🤞🤞🤞
I'm living vicariously through you. Can't wait to see your new chicks❣❣❣

I had to reread that last bit. At first I thought your husband worked for Cisco and got laid off. Then I kinda worked it out that Cisco is probably one of your horses. 🐴🤕 I will keep him in all of my good thoughts that he just has some bumps and bruises. My DH broke his back in the military and has extensive amounts of metal all around his spine. I cracked a vertebra doing gymnastics as a teenager. So we both literally feel the pain of anyone who falls and hurts their back. Ouch!!!!!

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