What did you do with your flock today?

Hello! This is a place to post pictures/talk about what you and your flock have done today.

I was on a zoom call earlier and Iris, my rooster, decided to stand behind me and crow repeatedly. Thankfully I was on mute, but it was still annoying. They couldn’t see him, but they could see me trying to make him quiet, which was a little embarrassing. :lol:
Here’s a pic of my boy with some mini roses.
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What about you guys? Have you done anything interesting with your flock today?

Here are a few pictures of my birds.
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I brought my chicks for some outside time today! They love shimmying in the dirt, and searching for bugs!


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thank you!! I got them at TSC, and i believe 2 are starlight green eggers, 1 sapphire splash, and 2 assorted bantams (idk what their breed is)!
They're cute lil 🤞ladies!
I go egg hunting everyday.. my hens like to hide them. Does not help that the weeds are 5 feet tall.

Can anyone here tell me if this looks like Dry Pox? Unsure if it is.
View attachment 3160065Not an expert here...but I'd say yes. Bet your chickens love those weeds!
I go egg hunting everyday.. my hens like to hide them. Does not help that the weeds are 5 feet tall.

Can anyone here tell me if this looks like Dry Pox? Unsure if it is.
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I would say it's probable that it is dry pox...especially since you just got over the other issues. In November I had all of my birds sick and they went from one thing right into dry/wet pox and it SUCKED. Catch it early and isolate any bird that has it, so you can make sure that it doesn't spread through the entire flock. I used Iodine on a Qtip on the pox spots and it did a good job of drying them out and ensuring they didn't get bigger. I would also keep them on an antibiotic to ensure they don't get any secondary infections since fowl pox will tax their immune systems. It spreads when the scabs fall off, so if patient zero is isolated you might be able to avoid it spreading to all the others.
I go egg hunting everyday.. my hens like to hide them. Does not help that the weeds are 5 feet tall.

Can anyone here tell me if this looks like Dry Pox? Unsure if it is.
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I'm not on the pox band wagon yet. Though I have been wrong once... maybe twice b4 😂 not on pox though... I think.
Where it does look suspect I'd need more photos and also see if there is any progression today. Could be a poke from a 5 foot monster grass? Either way I'd get the flock on poultry vitamins immediately and cut out any junk food. A day will tell a lot IMO. 🤞🤞🤞🤞
I finally got my main coop, mini coop and nest boxes scrubbed clean, also waterers all bleached, feeders topped off and then added some fresh mulch to the run. The coop and run smell as good as they look. Nice to finally get that done for me and the flock.
The ferals are doing great. Thinking about releasing them at the pasture next week. I'll miss them a little as they are sweet.

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