What did you do with your flock today?

You guys, I’m heartbroken 💔 Axel died overnight….did I kill him by worming him?
I am so sorry to hear this. I feel for you. It is probably hard to say what might of made him die but you were taking the best care of him ever so please do not beat yourself up over it. Sometimes we can do everything right and things still turn out for the worse.
I hate to say I but that is a good possibility ☹ I'm so sorry @kurby22. If he was vitamin defficient... Do you think you have time to send him in to be tested so you can protect your flock and become wiser in some way? I'm really sorry 🤗 I know you tried really hard with him and had high hopes for his future ♡♡♡
Think while worming you should take chook off of poultry vits as it is counter productive. Worm, yogurt for gut health the vits to rebuild ♡
I would but we are going out of town right now and not back till Tuesday :-( will be too late to do anything. I feel so horrible and angry at myself. I should have just left it alone, I just didn’t think it would hurt…😩 So much work and got my hopes up…makes it hurt so much more :-(
I would but we are going out of town right now and not back till Tuesday :-( will be too late to do anything. I feel so horrible and angry at myself. I should have just left it alone, I just didn’t think it would hurt…😩 So much work and got my hopes up…makes it hurt so much more :-(
I had a really amazing BYC gal mentor me through a severe illness in one of my hens. After a few months I did not win the battle but I learned a lot. You are more ahead of the game than most with your background and resources and a kind heart that you gave to your daughter ♡ I know this hurts (big hugs) but you will save many chickens from the lessons you are learning. I know this as a fact. You are smart, wise and kind. The chickens are lucky to have you as a mom. Love him, thank him for helping others and know you are the wiser for this. ♡♡♡
As I understand when giving vits you are feeding the worms too. So best to save till you are pau worming.

Chicken keeping is tricky business. But it is so worth it. Deep breath and look at all those beautiful lucky babies who get you as their mom. You did your best by him and he knows ♡♡♡♡
I had a really amazing BYC gal mentor me through a severe illness in one of my hens. After a few months I did not win the battle but I learned a lot. You are more ahead of the game than most with your background and resources and a kind heart that you gave to your daughter ♡ I know this hurts (big hugs) but you will save many chickens from the lessons you are learning. I know this as a fact. You are smart, wise and kind. The chickens are lucky to have you as a mom. Love him, thank him for helping others and know you are the wiser for this. ♡♡♡
As I understand when giving vits you are feeding the worms too. So best to save till you are pau worming.

Chicken keeping is tricky business. But it is so worth it. Deep breath and look at all those beautiful lucky babies who get you as their mom. You did your best by him and he knows ♡♡♡♡
Thank you for the kind and supportive words ❤️ Reading this did really help me feel a little less guilty and awful. Chicken keeping might be one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. So fulfilling and so heartbreaking…
I am so sorry to hear this. I feel for you. It is probably hard to say what might of made him die but you were taking the best care of him ever so please do not beat yourself up over it. Sometimes we can do everything right and things still turn out for the worse.
Thanks…it’s true…I just hate failing at such important things 😢😢
Thanks…it’s true…I just hate failing at such important things 😢😢
I don't think you failed. You did your best and it was a learning experience for not only you but others that might not have known what has been said on here. We are not Vets and do not know everything about our beloved pets. We can only do our very best and that you surely did my friend.

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