What did you do with your flock today?

I picked up the stuff for contacts. Think it was like $5 over here so, $o.50 anywhere else 😂

I used it when my pullet had an eye infection and she really liked it believe it or not. Worked great and was part of her heal.
Thanks for the suggestions and well-wishes everyone!
I don’t have eye ointments, but I do have Baytril. She’s not laying much anymore, so whatever she gets, I won’t have to worry about that, at least.

Do you think a cold/warm water compress would help? Obviously not for her entire face, but maybe just for the problematic eye.
I agree with penny...eye ointment or saline might help. I've used eye contact all purpose solution to flush eyes before with good results. My horses like it better then the vet something stuff I tried before...vetrycin? Can't remember the exact name. It has cleansers/disinfectants in it buts safe for eyes and has hydrating ingredients as well.
Well we lost Nanny Og today. We've had her so long that I can't remember how old she was! Shes only laid one egg in the last 3 years though...we promptly stuck it and two rare eggs from our other ancient chicken, Granny Weatherwax, into the incubator and all three hatched out roosters 😵‍💫. That was last year. Think she passed peacefully overnight though. She was the sweetest little easter egger ever.

I felt all better when I woke up this morning so it must have been that carpet dust. Wow that stuff was nasty!

Moved some babies outside today, was given three more pea eggs by our lovely neighbor and the new dwarf babies started hatching for the lady coming mid-month. Most of today was given over to my youngest though.

@TropicalBabies such a beautiful place to take a stroll!
I let my dwarfs out to play for the first time tonight. It was so relaxing just sitting there watching them ❤️
They got to meet the tortoise and thought he was scary...lol. He's a vegetarian though so they'll get used to him.
My big dogs came and hung out with us so I could come and go...but I kinda just sat 🤣 I always feel more relaxed when the dogs are helping...hawks might not always care about me...but they don't like my dogs.

And the peafowl got so excited..think they couldn't believe I wasn't letting them out too.

I did bring the baby peas out to play though. The babies don't try to eat the chickens!
They we're so funny at bedtime...they kept heading in, changing their minds and going back out to play some more. But they did finally decide it was time to go in.

And my can flowers with a fresh coat of paint. I have some more all cut out that I never got around to painting. They're sitting in a box waiting for me to find a place for them. I might dig them out and put them to use too.
What a zoo! @ChicksnMore and charm, charm, charm! ♡♡♡

Rained all day after my walk. So just did a few inside painting projects.

Left chooks in their run, no free range because hunting dog is coming around becoming more friendly and I would like to make some moves to try and capture him- W/o freaking him out and going backwards. Also only @ a 30% trust with chooks out free ranging. He is hurt and needs some care and a home. I have done all I can with adds and fliers and HS. No news on his owner. So just keeping him fed till?

Not sure what today brings. Hoping good coffee to start.

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