What did you do with your flock today?

They amaze me everyday. I seriously think they are little old women with the personality of a child in a chicken's body but with Dahmer tendencies
Definitely! Studies have proved they do have the same level of intelligence as a 3yr old toddler so maybe that's why they have child-like personalities?
Good morning everyone! We had a wonderful unexpected early morning wake up call. And it didn't involve the feather babies! Knock on wood.
But it did involve the baby belgian. Our baby belgian malinois is about 2 and a half feet tall and roughly 100 pounds. We have 2. His sister is all about brute force. Baby bear is all about playing, pets and friends. Ee noticed he had been out later than normal and so hubby went to check because baby bear is also singlehandedly tunneling a path to China, and saw him laying by the willow relaxing licking something.
That's when hubby noticed the bunny. He was nuzzling it like je does his night night stuffie to go to sleep. He didn't rip it apart but ther was blood. So while hubby cleaned up the body. I cleaned up the bear. Add that too a handful of duck poo earlier in the day and it was a great learning day...#somuchpoo #somuchblood and he's long haired...
Nugget is 100 percent the one they had to of referenced in the study. I'd put money on it. Just watched her peck the bull welsh harlequin drake and the off running almost looked like she was laughing as the drake waddling as fast as his little stubby legs could started chasing her.
When Ferdy and Penelope were 5 wk old chicks they used to use one of my cats as a trampoline. Elliot is 37 inches long nose to tail, he looks more like a grey tiger than a domestic cat. Were they ever remotely afraid of him? Were they hell!!! They also used to creep up behind him and pull a clump of fur out then run off. It was like they were daring each other. I would swear they were laughing as they did it 🤣
Good morning everyone! We had a wonderful unexpected early morning wake up call. And it didn't involve the feather babies! Knock on wood.
But it did involve the baby belgian. Our baby belgian malinois is about 2 and a half feet tall and roughly 100 pounds. We have 2. His sister is all about brute force. Baby bear is all about playing, pets and friends. Ee noticed he had been out later than normal and so hubby went to check because baby bear is also singlehandedly tunneling a path to China, and saw him laying by the willow relaxing licking something.
That's when hubby noticed the bunny. He was nuzzling it like je does his night night stuffie to go to sleep. He didn't rip it apart but ther was blood. So while hubby cleaned up the body. I cleaned up the bear. Add that too a handful of duck poo earlier in the day and it was a great learning day...#somuchpoo #somuchblood and he's long haired...
Was the bunny dead?
When Ferdy and Penelope were 5 wk old chicks they used to use one of my cats as a trampoline. Elliot is 37 inches long nose to tail, he looks more like a grey tiger than a domestic cat. Were they ever remotely afraid of him? Were they hell!!! They also used to creep up behind him and pull a clump of fur out then run off. It was like they were daring each other. I would swear they were laughing as they did it 🤣
Aw man! Do you have a blog or anything? I'd love to read or watch your adventures and kinda meet your babies in a way
Was the bunny dead?
Yeah. We thing the neighbors loose dogs chased it towards our yard and it ran under the garage and into our dog pen. It was 1:30 in the AM. After everything was cleaned up, baby bear was out looking for it. I don't think he really meant to kill it. It had a tooth puncture but the neck had broken, probably from him grabbing it up. Hubby said he was licking its back when he saw it. There wasn't a puncture on the back. Only his feet had blood. His face and everything was clean.
He doesn't normally chase anything but a tennis ball. He has 2 stuffies that he sucks on to fall asleep. I'm hoping this will be the last. I'm patching the garage foundation throughout the week
With the last snow we had, my 2 Brahma girls like to eat it. All the others except 2 thinks it's lava, until I throw treats on it.
Tonight had to corral 3 girls back to the coop. The boys had already gone in and did not finish their job. Shame on them.
I've never thought to try tossing treats on it. Mine act like ice is scary too. I've tried tossing some in the water bowls when it's hot but they won't go in a wading bowl with ice in it. Maybe some duckweed on top would change their minds.
They amaze me everyday. I seriously think they are little old women with the personality of a child in a chicken's body but with Dahmer tendencies
Such a good description of chickens 🤣
Your birds are so pretty! 😍
Thanks! I really love this breed! I had my neighbor help me to put the leg bands on the girls yesterday. I used the green ones for all the one's that I hatched last year on the left leg. I will use a different color on all the ones that I hatch this year when they are big enough.

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