What did you do with your flock today?

Be careful digging it up as it's one of those plants that even a tiny root fragment left behind can regrow. You can spread it really easily to other parts of your property. My chickens love the brand new shoots but won't eat the older leaves. My friend's sheep and goats love nettles at any stage apparently.
Oh believe me, I know. Little buggers! I have always hated these things. I used to run barefoot as a kid in my yard and would step on those 🤬 and oh boy! 😂
Hahaha that is hilarious, I can just picture the look too! :D
His annoyed "Really? And Just What are you doing now silly human!" expression 😆
He really is a Loverboy though, I can hug him or scoop him up at any time. ❤️
Waiting for these Call ducks and chicks to decide to come into this world. 🫠 The one that I have been questioning is still in question. I did make a safety hole however because it did internally pip. It did start taping on the shell. However I don’t know if it passed. I don’t want to open the incubator too many times. I’m hoping though I start seeing some babies soon. I kept dreaming about it 😂. If the one though in question doesn’t hatch I’m probably gonna open it up and see what happened. The egg was full when I put it in, I mean there was som room on the bottom of the egg but not a whole lot, nothing too concerning for me. The veins though are all gone. But it does look like the little one was being smooshed into the bottom of the egg.


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Today was especially windy, but a very nice day out at least! The crew was happy to see me as well

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As I went down to collect the eggs, I found someone in the nesting box I never expected to see…
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The Frizz! She’s never been broody seasons before, so this came to be a surprise for sure. Thankfully she was gracious about the eggs, and I got them all unscathed

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Although this Langshan, Asher, was not as “beginner friendly”. She screamed at me a bit, and unfortunately it looked like she had squished an egg as well. Perhaps she will improve her brooding technique in the future

I tried to take some dashing photos of my boys, but the wind made it a bit tricky…
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Before I could try further, some of the gals decided to photobomb, and the photo shoot essentially became all about them
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That’s about all I’ve done for today so far, this message is already getting long haha
OMGeeze u have some beautiful babies!!! Luv your mf d'uccle bomber!!!
Thanks ❤️ It was a tough day, but we’ve known for awhile her time was nearing so it helps ease the pain. 😢 She did live quite the life! The beagle in her was strong!! So many adventures escaping our backyard to follow smells, squirrels, possums, rats, and skunks. She has tracked them all! And some of them lived to tell the story…but not all! She was not one to be loved and hugged on, but she loved her pack just the same ❤️😢 Such a huge part of our lives, it’s hard to not have her here. Sweet Chloe isn’t too far behind :-(
I lost the quote from yesterday bout yall losing such a sweet family member! I'm so sorry kurby!!! Yall have gone through so much loss!!! It's so nice yall were able to have someone come to help her while at home too! I've never heard of that before!
Hugs sweet one!!!
What I did with my flock today...? Checked for eggs, fresh food and water, oh and mainly caring for my I'll OEGB pullet.
Awe what's going on with your pullet?! And welcome to the thread!
His annoyed "Really? And Just What are you doing now silly human!" expression 😆
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He really is a Loverboy though, I can hug him or scoop him up at any time. ❤️
Oh wow! That is definitely one annoyed look!!! He's gorgeous!

DH doesn't agree with all us but the scraps and says that's one way they make their $ so I'll drop it.
I did get all the poopy pieces replaced with the 2x6 scraps which should make it indestructible for a 4x4 coop! There's only one bottom piece I didn't replace that is semi bad...but it is attached to 4x4 so hopefully that'll be stable enough!

They all do that! Little Stanley kept running up to me and making his annoyed noise when it snowed last week. He clearly expected me to do something about it :D
My cats are even worse at blaming me if the weather doesn't suit them!
Oh cats can really give good stink eye!
Ever spill a few drops of water?
A wet paw, shaken in disgust, then a truly irate expression directed at the nearest human...because it is Always the human's fault! 😄

Going to see if there's a stink eye thread, there has to be one, good for some laughs 👍
@FBMcrazy8 so no movement anymore in it? I hate the ones that do do well all the way to hatch day then they just don't hatch and live. Those are more upsetting....but there was one I hated.helping out so badly!!! It was so deformed and no eyes, cross beak and legs were badly messed up. 😫
Hopefully all the rest will hatch and be ok!
Windy in Delaware, my one Roo has a very long tail. The wind kept whipping his tail feathers into his face & he'd twitch his head then look at me with a very annoyed expression...like I'm the one that brought on the wind 😆

Casanova's tail
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Now THAT'S a tail!!! Pretty boy!
Yesterday I treated my brooder for mites. Today I checked and nothing moving or crawling. Power washed and have little Jellybeans housed there to weather the incoming thunderstorms. View attachment 3432954
She is still prolapsed and has not laid her next egg that should help with the swelling but she is doing well and I am happy with the forward progress.

Other than that, scrubbed waters and made bags.
Oh she's so beautiful! I LUV the markings on her feathers! U call that penciling?
Cae Today was " put up fencing around stuff I want to keep " day. The girls had been going over the shorter fences. Those feet can be destructive. My dahlia bed got a 4' fence, and I caged in my hostas around the fruit trees. Last year they and the deer ate most of the leaves. Also was able to plant a couple new peonies, and till up a few raised beds. Sunny, and I even worked up a sweat in 51 degrees. Good and tired. Should sleep well with some Tylenol, muscle relaxers, and Bengay. :old
This is the first time time I've letting all my babies out in the backyard cause of hawks but I luv for em to have some free time.
Mine have been nibbling the lambs ear! I don't wanna put up a fence around everything but I don't want everything eaten either lol!
Ya got any pics of your area for ideas?!
@FBMcrazy8 so no movement anymore in it? I hate the ones that do do well all the way to hatch day then they just don't hatch and live. Those are more upsetting....but there was one I hated.helping out so badly!!! It was so deformed and no eyes, cross beak and legs were badly messed up. 😫
Hopefully all the rest will hatch and be ok!
Thank you!!! I probably won’t help it out because I DON’T know what is going on. I would hate to help it and then have it suffer or even have to cull it. If I open it up and I can see what the problem is and it wasn’t the babies fault I will be upset for not helping it but also know next time.

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