What did you do with your flock today?

While at my favorite feed store this morning mama and babies went walking by. Cute as can be in a wild boar kind of way. DH followed them to the back and got this photo. Then backed away lol. Looks like 2 more in the trap.
Hey Kurby! How have you been?

Don’t remind me! I had a dream the other night about getting another batch of chicks. I know I say this every year, but I really don’t have room this time. 😭

No progress with Molly’s issues, but she’s been going through an active period. I think the extra snacks I’ve been giving her is helping with that. : P
The pigeons are doing really good. Everyone has been broody recently, so the aviaries have all been really mellow. It’s nice. Ernie, one of my really mean ones, has been letting me pet him a lot more than usual. He still bites me pretty hard, but he doesn’t run away as often. Small wins. : P

Congrats on your new addition! Mo’o is so cute!!
Hi Frankie! 👋
Poor little Molly! Glad to hear she's feeling active though. Ernie sounds like a hoot...glad there's no teeth in that little beak! Little stinker knows you're safe 😂
While at my favorite feed store this morning mama and babies went walking by. Cute as can be in a wild boar kind of way. DH followed them to the back and got this photo. Then backed away lol. Looks like 2 more in the trap.
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Brave hubby! We have javelinas here...a type of wild pig...collared peccary. Me and the neighbors call each other when we see them out because they'll try to attack dogs right through fences. Better to bring the dogs in when they're around. Momma there must be doing well to have so many babies ❤️
Well, checked the feeders and all looked pretty good though I did remove the shake from the bottom of the grandpa feeder.
Sprinkled probios on a few bowls of feed and wet with vinegar water. Changed out and filled all waterers with vinegar in the water. Then locked the gang in the run and garden when I went to town. All looked real good when I got home and let them out. No fussy britches.
I did see a moldy half eaten orange in the run the other morning. I promptly removed it but wondered if anyone would feel sickly if they had snacked on it. Maybe that was it.
Well, glad to see them all being happy chickens again.
I gotta say #2
I love the faunts, the foliage, the birds... I don't think i would change a thing. It is truly gorgeous and I immediately think you are a caring and meticulous person and I want to buy from you. ... something... anything! It is a very persuasive logo 😅💕
Great job @kurby!
Thanks!! 😍😍
Hi Frankie! 👋
Poor little Molly! Glad to hear she's feeling active though. Ernie sounds like a hoot...glad there's no teeth in that little beak! Little stinker knows you're safe 😂
Haha, always something to be grateful for! Admittedly it can be hard to tell the difference sometimes. I swear, some days I wonder how he hasn’t removed pieces of my finger lolol.
Well, it finally happened. Ferdy and Stan had a massive bust-up yesterday afternoon. I didn't see what happened to spark it off but I suspect, given Ferdy's almost horizontal nature, Stan was being a little 💩

I went out to check on everyone at around 5 pm. The girls were clustered round the kitchen door but no sign of the boys. Normally they both come running when I call. I found Ferdy covered in blood just stood in the run and Stan huddled behind a plant pot with his head on the floor, also covered in blood.
I scooped Stan up and took him in to assess his injuries, as he looked like he'd gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. He had his first ever bath and blow dry but apart from scuffs on his feet, his only injuries were to his comb, wattles and face. One eye was swollen shut but the eyeball is fine. I gave it a rinse with saline and put some ice on it to bring down the swelling, antiseptic cream on his wounds and gave him a few drops of nutri drops as he looked like he was going into shock. Half an hour's cuddle from DH while I dealt with Ferdy's injuries and he was tucking into his special seed blend.
Ferdy fared a bit better and had clearly been the victor but he still had a lot of comb and wattle injuries. As his feathers had turned pink from the blood, he also had a bath and blow dry. He wounds were also treated with antiseptic. Amazingly, they then both spent a couple of hours with me for t.v. and snuggles, one on each shoulder, apparently happy in each other's company!

This morning, both have very bruised faces but seem to be the best of friends again!!! They were eating their breakfast out of the same dish, right next to each other.
The girls have all crowded round Stan and made mother hen noises at him. I thought that might have triggered Ferdy, but nope, he just watched for a couple of seconds and got on with what he was doing.

I know it's probably going to happen again. I don't have enough space to separate them. DH was insistent last night that one of them has to go but I want to wait and see. I think it might just be Stan testing boundaries, as he is a teenager, and that things will settle. Am I being selfish or do you all think it'll work out?

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