What did you do with your flock today?

Professional chicken pics! I love them ❤️ Glad Ducky's ok!

Sounds like a full life ❤️ Hope the wind dies down for everyone. I can hear it carrying on outside right now...o I am tired of the winds this year!

Happy reunion with your sweety! ❤️

Aw... sounds like you made some good memories with that thumb before it went bad ❤️ Hows it healing?
Coming along good. Hardly any pain, but it reminds me if I do something with that hand. 2 more weeks before stitches come out, then a cast, I think, for 3 more.
Hi friends! I have been MIA for a little while. Life got in the way and things are starting to move forward with my docs so yay I guess.
But I am catching up on all you glorious people and your posts. I apologize now for the notifications :)
Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you all have a great rest of the week!
That's looking really good!

Wow...poor baby! Hope he makes it through ok.
Also hope their coops secure now...those rats are really putting you through the wringer.
They are!! I worked so hard to rat proof it and they found the one place I failed. It is a tough job keeping prey animals safe!! 😩 I found three more quail twitch injuries, so now there are 4 in the house 😢🤦🏼‍♀️
Hi friends! I have been MIA for a little while. Life got in the way and things are starting to move forward with my docs so yay I guess.
But I am catching up on all you glorious people and your posts. I apologize now for the notifications :)
Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you all have a great rest of the week!
Welcome back! Life gets away from us doesn’t it??
She's so precious! I luv whenever kids these days take an interest in outdoor activities!
I told my DH over weekend that we never see a soul outside their homes! We are in a subdivision...you'd think we'd see somebody besides just coming and going in cars.
Yeah I'd end up doing the same after all you’ve been through with those dang thangs!

Oh yeah! But they are such cuties!!!

@PopoMyers you are a good one for playing those games with em! I never got the hang of it so I'd just pester my son when he used to play lol!

Trying desperately to finish up this addition...slowly making progress with the puzzle coop LOL
Looks terrific and you are very close to being finished. Very proud of you young lady! Your doing it!!!
They are!! I worked so hard to rat proof it and they found the one place I failed. It is a tough job keeping prey animals safe!! 😩 I found three more quail twitch injuries, so now there are 4 in the house 😢🤦🏼‍♀️
Oh gawd 😖 little jerks. Sooo sorry. That really is crossing a line. Can you call an exterminator or maybe Rambo?
I have grown out chicks for people a few times because they have rats that will eat their babies. I tell ya, I'd be :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:. I hope no more Mrs nice gal 🪓🏹🗡🎯💣💣💣🔥🪓🪓🐈🐅🐆🦏🦉🦉🦉🧨🧨🧨get em @kurby!
I'm pleased to report that our girls and boys have adjusted to their new living situation, and the panic from last night was short-lived. We had an eye injury - it looks like Lagan, one of the Delawares, got into a bit of a dust-up. Her eye looked a little recessed, and she had a droopy lower lid. I prepared some sterile saltwater solution according to a recipe I found here on BYC, and we did two treatments of gently flushing the eye and applying some terramycin. She didn't like it, of course, but there's already visible improvement.

This is the first time we've had to treat an injury, and the fact that it was her eye made for a pretty harrowing experience.

We'll keep a close eye on it and continue to flush and apply the ointment. I'm also planning to fortify the barn, which right now has cattle panel to safeguard against bigger predators, but I keep worrying about rats and weasels. I want to bury hardware cloth about a foot deep around the perimeter and reinforce the cattle panel the same way.

I've been loving reading all of your updates!
They are!! I worked so hard to rat proof it and they found the one place I failed. It is a tough job keeping prey animals safe!! 😩 I found three more quail twitch injuries, so now there are 4 in the house 😢🤦🏼‍♀️
Awful 😞...I sure hope they're all ok in the long run. Definitely need to pull out the big guns if you can. I keep thinking I read somewhere about a poison that's safe if another animal eats the poisoned rat/mouse. Wish I could remember what it was, but I'll see if I can find it. :hugs
I'm pleased to report that our girls and boys have adjusted to their new living situation, and the panic from last night was short-lived. We had an eye injury - it looks like Lagan, one of the Delawares, got into a bit of a dust-up. Her eye looked a little recessed, and she had a droopy lower lid. I prepared some sterile saltwater solution according to a recipe I found here on BYC, and we did two treatments of gently flushing the eye and applying some terramycin. She didn't like it, of course, but there's already visible improvement.

This is the first time we've had to treat an injury, and the fact that it was her eye made for a pretty harrowing experience.

We'll keep a close eye on it and continue to flush and apply the ointment. I'm also planning to fortify the barn, which right now has cattle panel to safeguard against bigger predators, but I keep worrying about rats and weasels. I want to bury hardware cloth about a foot deep around the perimeter and reinforce the cattle panel the same way.

I've been loving reading all of your updates!
Sounds like your doing a great job with her eye ❤️

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