What did you do with your flock today?

Tell me I don't need quail. I really really don't...but o they're adorable 😍 The ducky pair look content ❤️

Lucky chick ❤️

Those pine needles look like good nesting material! I've been using all my needles as mulch. Think I'll clean a nest box today and fill it with needles 😃.
Your ladies look sweet!
You definitely DOn’t need quail 😆 😍
It's 30 celsius today, and this little lady thinks she's a sloth.

Ohhh it's looking good!! You are making great progress!! We decided we are too far out in progress so we opted to buy runs to attach to the Cooplex so progress is going to pick up again starting next weekend when I get back from visiting my Mom up in Boise.

We spent some time digging out coop bedding today and laid down a big swath of hardware cloth and then topped it with bricks and pavers and fresh bedding. I went to check after that on my quail and their new waterer which kept leaking. Found a hole and an empty feeder—so I know the rats found the hole in my hardware cloth. 😢 I refilled the feeder, grabbed some hardware cloth and covered the hole. Then noticed my quail Earl the Pearl was limping so I picked him up and found a much more dire issue. 😢😢 He appears to have been gnawed on by a rat 😩😢 Sighhhhh…so I grabbed him and brought him inside for antibiotics and antiseptics and a quiet space to heal.

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He’s just the sweetest boy, I hope he makes it 😢
OMGeeze! Those rats are relentless!
I think I'd bring all my babies in and bomb it...literally! I'm so sorry! I cant imagine how frustrating this has to be for yall!
Do quail not fly? Sorry know nothing bout them though they r darlins!
Succeeded at washing and trimming Pua's poopy bum (one handed!). Thankfully she is the calmest of all. Hubby finally came to help when she needed to be gotten out of the tub, dried off, and returned to the run.
She doesn't seem interested in eating, poop is still watery, not much in her crop at all this evening. I had to get her off the roost, as she had gone to bed early. Gave her some Greek yogurt and scoby bits with a little cracked corn, and water. I hope she is hungrier tomorrow. When she was done, I let the others eat the rest. It was funny, as one of them had picked up the little container, and it dropped into the water bowl. They looked like they were bobbing for apples, and yogurt water was dripping down their faces.
They had some extra outside time today to scratch and hunt bugs. They enjoyed it too.
We got this space between fence lines that have a bunch of dead leaves and branches, my chickens always run to it when I let them out.

Then they freak out because they can't get back the way they think they came though. Not all fence holes are equal.
OMGeeze! Those rats are relentless!
I think I'd bring all my babies in and bomb it...literally! I'm so sorry! I cant imagine how frustrating this has to be for yall!
Do quail not fly? Sorry know nothing bout them though they r darlins!
I know! The husband put out 4 more snap traps and has caught 5 tonight. 🥴 I hate it and I love it.

Quail do fly but not far and their cage isn’t big enough to escape a rat that finds its way in. They are also sitting ducks at night…unlike chickens that want to be up high, quail are ground lovers and want hiding places in plants and ground cover. Caught one of my pretty hens in the camera tonight 😍

We made it to my Mom’s house this evening…but I swear all the chickens and quail come together to get sick and have dramas so I won’t leave. I had to leave Scott in charge of three injured quail, 4 chickens that seemed off so I brought inside, Nohope the chicken in a box that needs to be hand fed each day, 7 chicks in the house and eggs hatching in the incubator 🤦🏼‍♀️😆🤦🏼‍♀️ He’s less than thrilled but being a trooper!

So tonight I got to visit with my mom and sister and spend time with my 3 year old niece and my Moms menagerie. Aria is a huge fan of Oreo and now wants one of her own Guinea pigs 🥴 Such a super sweet pig! 😍😍


We do not need a Guinea pig, we do not need a Guinea pig…😆
Wow! Such a lot to catch up on! Take a couple of days out to deal with Clara's respiratory infection, fighting boys and a fractured clavicle/torn rotator cuff and so much happens to you all! Some good, some not so.
Congrats on the new arrivals ChicksnMore and Popo. They are sooooo cute! 😍 My friend had Chinese geese, loved their feisty character. And such a lucky survivor chick.
Ruby looks quite stunning in his professional portraits, Kurby. Such a handsome boy! Commiserations on your poorly fowl and rat problems. Not surprised you've had to resort to killing them. I had a bad experience with snap traps as a young child so your post about using them made me shiver 🫣
Popo, wishing you a speedy recovery:hugsDon't go using that hand before you're meant to!
Everyone else seems to be ticking along nicely. Long may that continue!

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