What did you do with your flock today?

I learned that mine love to eat dandelion leaves. And all the dirt attached to the root ball, too.

I threw a big dandelion clump into the coop yesterday evening and this morning all the leaves were picked clean, and the roots were bare of dirt. The dirt wasn't mixed in the bedding, either. They ate it! I'm glad they're getting all the local microbiota into their systems. Healthy, healthy!

Been working on the run today. The base is installed all the way around, and since I don't have the wall and door framing exactly figured out, it's time to grab a couple beers, relax, and look at the coop-in-progress to figure out what my next step will be. I was planning to put the door on the front of the run, but to do that I'd need to buy a 10' 4x4. If I put the door on the side an 8' 4x4 will work, and I already have one. I'll get a pic of my progress and post it here soon.

Important Question!:
Should the door swing inward or out? Or does it make no difference?

Thanks! Time now to imbibe and contemplate.
I REALLY like my run doors to swing in. It helps to control the chooks from pouring out as you walk in. Looking forward to the photos. Coop builds are awesome!
Today I spent some time thinking about finding new homes for some of the Delawares and RIR's and replace them with some breeds I don't yet have or at least ordered. I put the girls on notice to be on their best behavior or it may be a trip to a place where they won't have it to easy.
Nice breeds. I'm sure they are behaving ♡.

My chooks freeranged till 3: but are now currently happy to be cruising in the run to give the yard a break.
I scraped boards (3 days worth of poop 😬!) scrubbed waters, filled a few feeders, told my sweeties they are cute and now going out to collect eggs. I did not collect yesterday so better bring my big basket 😁💕
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My chooks freeranged till 3: but are now currently happy to be cruising in the run to give the yard a break.
I scraped boards (3 days worth of poop 😬!) scrubbed waters, filled a few feeders, told my sweeties they are cute and now going out to collect eggs. I did not collect yesterday so better bring my big basket 😁💕
I like your setup!
I've been in Sacramento in the summer, and it gets really hot, like over 105. At least it's drier heat, but hot is hot. Take a dip in the cold river.
Yeah, we thankfully have a pool. I don’t think I’d survive the summers here without it! I do agree, dry heat is definitely better but once we get over 100 every day it’s just exhausting and miserable! And doesn’t cool at night! 🤢
I actually haven’t had any issues with bantams and big girls together. I’ve had to keep an eye on the silkies with the bigger rooster but I don’t have one right now—only bantam cochin roosters in with them. The ladies are actually easily bossed around by the bantam cochin hens and silkies 😆😆 I call my white Silkie Betty—my Street Silkie—because she is head boss and the smallest hen in the coop. She roosts with the big girls, she kicks them off the eggs so she can be brooding them, she fluffs up and runs around yelling at them when she comes off the nest for a break. She’s hilarious and bossy and a very dedicated broody! She ain’t no fancy, ding head Silkie like Sia and Duchess 😆😆

My other run is all bantams and my Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hen who was terrified of the big girls and just happier with the tiny ones. The porcelain girl is a d’Uccle but you were close!! They’re basically d’Anvers with feathered legs 🙃 I’m a big fan of the Belgian Bearded birds ☺️ They’re super tiny and fit quite nicely in my backyard 😆
Betty sounds like a hoot ❤️
After I fed some grapes to the Sussex chicks I gave the Dominiques some more mush. It brings them out of the brooder on their own. Then I put them in the main run for a visit with their cousins.
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And then, out into the sunshine!
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I put in a couple clumps of grass/weeds with dirt still on the roots, and the Dominiques found insects, ooh! Exciting!
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When I brought the carrier back into the coop a couple of the Dominiques decided to escape, but ran into the Sussex, and got a couple pecks for their troubles. Hope a lesson was learned!

I shooed them back into the carrier, and took it over to the brooder. The brooder door was open, and the Dominiques needed little encouragement to go back inside. When I checked on them a few minutes later they were preening, huddled together on top of the MHP.

What an eventful and exhausting day for 2 week old chicks!

And the Sussex? They did their own version of a scrum...
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Beautiful birds! Sounds like a fun day for everyone ❤️
I learned that mine love to eat dandelion leaves. And all the dirt attached to the root ball, too.

I threw a big dandelion clump into the coop yesterday evening and this morning all the leaves were picked clean, and the roots were bare of dirt. The dirt wasn't mixed in the bedding, either. They ate it! I'm glad they're getting all the local microbiota into their systems. Healthy, healthy!

Been working on the run today. The base is installed all the way around, and since I don't have the wall and door framing exactly figured out, it's time to grab a couple beers, relax, and look at the coop-in-progress to figure out what my next step will be. I was planning to put the door on the front of the run, but to do that I'd need to buy a 10' 4x4. If I put the door on the side an 8' 4x4 will work, and I already have one. I'll get a pic of my progress and post it here soon.

Important Question!:
Should the door swing inward or out? Or does it make no difference?

Thanks! Time now to imbibe and contemplate.
I like the doors to swing out, but then I add a little step over gate bridging the door. The chickens cluster along it but don't jump over it. I like my waterers close to the door and swinging in would mean moving them. Here I do wading bowls for summer heat and they need changed pretty much daily, so fast easy access without soaking the coop is helpful.
I turned the youngster's that were in the grow out pen loose to mingle with the hen's. It didn't go too bad. I took this picture this late afternoon.

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They look happy!

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