What did you do with your flock today?

I have some mad hens 😂. The ladies all did their fluffiest best to convince me they're unmovable giants. They puffed out so much they looked like little frizzles as they made raptor sounds at me.
Wish I could think of a way to stop that hen from doing her thing without having to separate her. Maybe I need to come up with a belly band that holds cold water against her belly. Does anyone remember the neck scarfs filled with beads that soak up water? Maybe something like that. Soak it once a day and strap it on as a broody preventative. 🤣
You might have a thing, there. I’ll help make them! 🧊
White chicken escaped out of the run. She must be related to the cockerel Houdini. When I watched her from inside the house, she was frantically running back and forth like she wanted to get back in. When I went outside to go round her up and put back inside, she wasn't to be found. Turns out that she got back inside, and was in a nesting box. Mind you, the fence is 6' all around. Smart girl.
Could you put cold packs in the nesting box?
I've tried ice packs...I saved some super flat thin gel ones from shipping to try, but the hens just used a different nest. It might work with one in every box. This hen will switch nests but doesn't stop brooding. Maybe I'm using them wrong.
Picture, please?
Thank you for asking! I'm happy to oblige...
The first photo was taken from inside our bigger run, and shows the Schoolhouse Coop (camper) and smaller Nursery Coop next to it:

In the front of the coop, we have space for nesting buckets. We used 4-gallon buckets for drywall mud, laid on their sides, and fit 6 of them across that middle space between the shelves. I've taken them out for now. I added a poop board below that single high roost near the ceiling, since it's always their favorite. The box at lower right was a storage bench or something - works great to store equipment:

The back of the camper coop is just roosting bars. (I know the ceiling looks awful, but those leaks have been fixed; I just haven't recovered the ceiling yet.) This was actually our very first chicken coop. Hubby covered the dang windows, not understanding ventilation needs. It's actually very well insulated, so stays snug and warm in winter (front windows and roof vent provide enough ventilation), and surprisingly cool in summer. I do run a box fan on the hottest days to supplement air flow:

It's been a great little coop! Strong like Fort Knox against predators, and portable even. Cost us nothing; someone just wanted it hauled away and junked.
I'm just not sure where you find the time to paint your nails 😂 a great mystery to me.
Congratulations on the big beautiful hatches @FBMcrazy8 & @BDutch ! Spring has sprung! @BDutch does this mean you have co broody parents? Lots of juggling @FBMcrazy8 ... lots of juggling ♡ lots learning too. Such a farmer 👩‍🌾💕 oh what fun!

@kurby22 great job with presentation and sales, lots of thought and effort.
Did you write little bios with photos of parents? Everything was so pretty and cohesive 💜🤍💚🤎. I bet those around you were thinking they needed to up their game! Well, a little bitter sweet I am sure letting all that hard work and planning go... but great job. What are your takeaways?
Yeah, it is a little bittersweet! I really had fun doing it 😁 I learned I need more chicks next year! (hit enter by accident) But also a better brooder for people to see the babies and I need way better take home boxes. I was impressed by all the people with super elaborate set ups! Also…having helpers is super useful! 😁
What a lovely display! Did you come home with more or less than you got there with? Oh, we know that chicken math disorder that'll sneak up on the unaware. Happy customers bring more. Word of mouth is the best advertisement.
Haha, if I could have I would have 😆 I brought home 2, 8 week old bobtail Cochin PULLETS…so fingers crossed they live! I sure hope I have happy customers!!

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