What did you do with your flock today?

I sat with a pullet that has a leg injury a lot today. Somehow she got a piece of string wrapped around her leg so tight it had cut into her leg and had stopped circulation to the bottom half of her foot. We started taking care of her last night and tonight she is almost putting weight on it again. She's inside in a box for the night along with another that I had to rescue tonight. She looks like she was attacked by a coon during the day today. The side of her neck has no feathers and is raw below where skin should be. She's been treated with triple antibiotic ointment for now. l saw her running from a rooster and when I found them the rooster was pecking her comb like he was eating it. I've already got one pullet missing a comb and now I know why. If I can catch that rooster I have a shovel that digs good holes. I will not tolerate roosters that abuse hens. More humors news while gathering eggs I found a RIR pullet (soon to me hen) underneath her rollout box sitting way back in one corner of the coop. She attacked me as soon as I went to see what was going on. She had no intentions of giving up a single egg that she had under her and she had at least 30. Evidently she had some buddies help her out. I left her be without any eggs but will let her have 8 tomorrow of my choosing. I'll have to raise the box some as it is to low for my back to gather the eggs from as is. Then I'll make a small pen in a pen to keep her separate from the rest of the flock and let nature run its course. In the Delaware coop I went from one hen being broody to 3 hens being broody that will get chased out of the community nest box first thing in the morning. I may get to build a maternity ward for those girls this week and they may or may not use it but they will not keep eggs in the roll out even if one had a half dozen under her tonight. She's made with me but she'll get over in a month or two.
Broodies. Gotta love 'em! 🤣
Well guys, the time has come. I had to say my last goodbye to Nohope this morning 😢😢 I don’t understand how he could go from starting to stand on his own and walk some with help to dead in two weeks time after 6 months of being sick…but here we are.

So R.I.P. Nohope, I will miss you so very very much. You were such a special boy and I will never forget you. 😢 I will miss your beautiful feathers you let me run my fingers through, the hugs you let me give you whenever I wanted them, how you would sit on me like you were a baby even though you weighed 8 lbs, how you yelled at me anytime I left your side, the gentle way you treated all the baby chicks that slept under your wings, and the way you LOVED French fries 😢💔😞 There will never be another like you. Your pain is gone now and I hope you get as many French fries as your heart desires. Goodbye sweet boy ❤️

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I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye. I was hopeful for him with all the good things happening. I hope you and your kids are at peace with his passing. :hugs He lived an amazing life with you. Too brief but oh so very full.
Yes, they are in a safe place now, it's just the fact that I'm away from them and I'm not personally taking care of them, especially the ones that aren't that healthy. I mean, one of them is underweight, I was treating her for parasites when I had to leave... And another one is chronically ill with a chicken version of asthma, plus a tendency to reproductive issues, and the person they're with has never given oral medication to a bird, much less a shot... I gave her an intensive course on how to take care of my chickens but it's just not the same.

Today I was able to visit them for a few minutes, and they all ran to me when they saw me... I thought they were hungry but their feeders were full. Were they looking for treats or do you think they miss their owners or just perceive that something's wrong? I wish I could explain to them that I'm not abandoning them.
Glad you get to visit them. Hopefully you can help out if they need some extra tlc for health issues?
I absolutely believe our birds recognize us and respond to us for who we are to them. Hope everything is improving for you ❤️
They look like they want to follow you home 🤣❤️
Beautiful flowers 😍
Love the little cricket on the lily too!
Sadly, my garden will be lily-free this year. Went out a couple of days ago to find someone had eaten all the flower buds. I suspect Gladys, destroyer of worlds....
Gladys sounds like a good chicken 🤣❤️
Well, I had a dentist visit and when I left there was a puppy hugging the side of the building. The office is in one of those little village/mall type business areas with parking lots and buildings everywhere and a six lane road in front. The poor little guy has a slightly tilted head, was covered in ticks and very very scared. I decided he was more likely dumped then strayed so I brought him home. He's had a tick bath and go over. A big bowl of food and good long sleep. Tomorrow I'll set up a vet appointment for shots and his ears and neck examined. He's hard of hearing, crazy clumsy and prone to turning in circles so I suspect he's had a long term ear infection but not sure since his ears look really good inside. At least I don't think he's actually deaf. Poor little guy...well, big guy. He looks about 2 1/2-3 months to me and 30-40 lbs probably. He's crazy sweet though and seems o so happy to be here. He wakes up and cry's everytime I get up and walk away already. Just a doll.
Well, I had a dentist visit and when I left there was a puppy hugging the side of the building. The office is in one of those little village/mall type business areas with parking lots and buildings everywhere and a six lane road in front. The poor little guy has a slightly tilted head, was covered in ticks and very very scared. I decided he was more likely dumped then strayed so I brought him home. He's had a tick bath and go over. A big bowl of food and good long sleep. Tomorrow I'll set up a vet appointment for shots and his ears and neck examined. He's hard of hearing, crazy clumsy and prone to turning in circles so I suspect he's had a long term ear infection but not sure since his ears look really good inside. At least I don't think he's actually deaf. Poor little guy...well, big guy. He looks about 2 1/2-3 months to me and 30-40 lbs probably. He's crazy sweet though and seems o so happy to be here. He wakes up and cry's everytime I get up and walk away already. Just a doll. View attachment 3512061
Why do I never find dumped puppies and kittens? It's just not fair! DH would have to let me keep them if it was a stray or dumped...
Seriously though, he's a handsome chap and lucky you found him 😍
Oh Kurby, I'm so very, very sorry 😭.
I know how much he meant to you and I feel like I got to know him a little via your posts. I cried when I read your beautiful tribute to a truly beautiful boy.
You got to spend some quality time together and you cared for him like no other could. It's clear you had a special bond and he will leave an enormous hole in your heart and life. Just console yourself he is now at peace and free of whatever pain he might have been in. Rest assured he will be running around in the chicken afterlife and stuffing his beak with fries. Huge hugs coming your way.
Thanks @Shetland lover ❤️ I knew his time was short and the day before, I held him most of the day and said all the things I needed him to hear and then I told him it was okay to let go and so he could be free of the pain. That I would miss him dearly, but he deserved to be pain free and happy again 😢 I’m certain he’s enjoying some fries and ramen noodles and lap love somewhere with my Dad and Sister. ❤️
Sat with my chicklets (8 weeks) this morning while they got their Saturday morning treats (soldier flys). Noticed all my Wyandottes combs are starting to get purpley red, and little unicorn bumps are coming in. I should soon know if any of those little stinkers are cocks. They are the orneriest chicks I've ever raised. I truly hope they settle down after they start laying. I've never considered a hen for freezer camp, but I just might with these 4.
Well, I had a dentist visit and when I left there was a puppy hugging the side of the building. The office is in one of those little village/mall type business areas with parking lots and buildings everywhere and a six lane road in front. The poor little guy has a slightly tilted head, was covered in ticks and very very scared. I decided he was more likely dumped then strayed so I brought him home. He's had a tick bath and go over. A big bowl of food and good long sleep. Tomorrow I'll set up a vet appointment for shots and his ears and neck examined. He's hard of hearing, crazy clumsy and prone to turning in circles so I suspect he's had a long term ear infection but not sure since his ears look really good inside. At least I don't think he's actually deaf. Poor little guy...well, big guy. He looks about 2 1/2-3 months to me and 30-40 lbs probably. He's crazy sweet though and seems o so happy to be here. He wakes up and cry's everytime I get up and walk away already. Just a doll. View attachment 3512061
Terrific job @ChicksnMore ♡♡♡ Beautiful boy. I am so glad he was (obviously) waiting for you, knowing you had room in your vehicle and a kind heart ❤️
I hope the vet check goes well.
Do you also have room in your home also for this beautiful boy? Depending on him and if he likes chickens... and ducks and peacocks and goat and horse and cats and sparrows??!!
I'm looking forward to watching his story.

Hows the ducks? I want to be bitten by Rowen ♡ I love him :love

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