What did you do with your flock today?

Beautiful babies! That lady sounds like a gem ❤️. I'm still in love with the lavender birds but I'm trying my best to behave and reduce my birds. Well, except for the peas. 😁. My first Java egg got its external pip tonight. I'm so excited 😊
Chicken math with a little help from the outside. After all, they were given to you. Happy hatching! Can't wait to see the beebies!
Had 4 cockerels processed, 2 days shy of 12 weeks old. These were BYM hatched out of our EE hens x with Rojo, a BYM roo who appears to be BO except he has a rose comb. Out of 6 hatched, only 2 are pullets; we were hoping to get some OE. They are not laying yet. As a whole, these are the stupidest chickens we've ever had on the property and are known collectively as the Dipsticks. We take them to a Mennonite lady who processes them for $2/ea. They are not very big or meaty but will make fine soup or dumplings. They will rest in the fridge for 4 - 5 days before going in the freezer or crockpot.
I change my run about a lot. I agree, I think it does keep them thinking and relieves boredom. A bored chicken is super destructive!
Forgot to mention that I set up a new roosting bar in the run yesterday. It's a big branch I scrounged from the woods, about 2" in diameter and 8 feet long.

I drove a pair of 1/2" rebar rods into the ground about 6 feet apart, and drilled 1/2" holes halfway into the branch on one side, space to match the rebar.

I fit the holes onto the rebar, and now have a roost about 2 feet high. It's just a little shaky, like a tree branch would be. They seem to like it.

I let the cockerels into the pullets run for a few hours today. It was like a junior high dance. Boys on one side and girls on the other. LOL Hardly any squabbles today, either, so I guess they're all getting adjusted to each other. The pullets still rule the roost, though.
Forgot to mention that I set up a new roosting bar in the run yesterday. It's a big branch I scrounged from the woods, about 2" in diameter and 8 feet long.

I drove a pair of 1/2" rebar rods into the ground about 6 feet apart, and drilled 1/2" holes halfway into the branch on one side, space to match the rebar.

I fit the holes onto the rebar, and now have a roost about 2 feet high. It's just a little shaky, like a tree branch would be. They seem to like it.

I let the cockerels into the pullets run for a few hours today. It was like a junior high dance. Boys on one side and girls on the other. LOL Hardly any squabbles today, either, so I guess they're all getting adjusted to each other. The pullets still rule the roost, though.
I love natural branches for roosts. Like the rebar posts idea!
Good morning gang and 🌺happy Aloha Monday!
Welp. Think DH may have changed his mind or given in about the shack up Koke'e. Late to the party seeing the wisdom in it. When will he learn, I am most always right... cept that one time 🙄😋. Glad he seems to be coming around. Then we can use the lumber to shore up under the cabin and build a nice storage space underneath it. Save $$$ too. 💡✨

Scrapped boards, scrubbed waterers, glared at jailed broodies, vacuumed up Forests last attempted kill he brought in the house at 6am.
Need to trim some snaggle toenails and do a few checks. Fill feeders and restock chicken Foodsafe. Need another cup of Joe first ☕️.
Burried in bags, laundry and other house chores today. Hoping to get to the weedwhacking today but don't think the day is long enough.View attachment 3538985View attachment 3538987View attachment 3538988
Leaving you with photos of pretty things.
Grazing horses, wild peacocks and kitten who needs a forever home. Have a great day all!!!
Adorable kitty!!! 😍😍😍 How are you able to maintain the willpower NOT to adopt all the kittens? So hard! 😍
Spent some time spoiling the chickens with summer fruit snacks, and the dog with comfy couch spots and air conditioning 😆 Kids did their chicken chores, we collected a whole clutch of eggs Fuzzy was hiding but thankfully not long enough! Phew, no more babies! I’m ready for a break!


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Forgot to mention that I set up a new roosting bar in the run yesterday. It's a big branch I scrounged from the woods, about 2" in diameter and 8 feet long.

I drove a pair of 1/2" rebar rods into the ground about 6 feet apart, and drilled 1/2" holes halfway into the branch on one side, space to match the rebar.

I fit the holes onto the rebar, and now have a roost about 2 feet high. It's just a little shaky, like a tree branch would be. They seem to like it.

I let the cockerels into the pullets run for a few hours today. It was like a junior high dance. Boys on one side and girls on the other. LOL Hardly any squabbles today, either, so I guess they're all getting adjusted to each other. The pullets still rule the roost, though.
In my experience, the girls ALWAYS rule the roost despite the boys' best efforts and conventional wisdom. All my cockerels have deferred to the ladies when it matters. Gladys (my top hen) has absolutely NO qualms about beating the boys up if they get too big for their britches 🤣
Spent some time spoiling the chickens with summer fruit snacks, and the dog with comfy couch spots and air conditioning 😆 Kids did their chicken chores, we collected a whole clutch of eggs Fuzzy was hiding but thankfully not long enough! Phew, no more babies! I’m ready for a break!
OMG! So gorgeous😍
I gave mine watermelon yesterday too. Turns out Stan is the only chicken in the world who doesn't like it. Ferdy was so scandalized by the notion, he even tried tidbitting Stan with it! 🤣

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