What did you do with your flock today?

I let my birds out of the run yesterday evening for around 45 minutes of free ranging time around the backyard. A couple of the pullets like to go off by themselves exploring, and there are others that can't be alone. One of them took wing and sort of flew 30 or 40 feet down a slope, maintaining about 1 foot above ground level the whole way.

And I got a close look at one of the cockerels performing his duties, and I think he did it right. He grasped the pullet by the nape of the neck, did the deed, and jumped off. The pullet shook, fluffed her feathers, then calmly went back to the business of eating grass, like nothing had happened.
I rescued a young pullet from Bullying. This is the third time I've found her in the community nest box. She will not go back to her coop this time. She gets a pet coop of her own until she is completely healed up and will probably get a coop met or two so she has some chicken social life. I think I lost 2 more from the porch club last night. A most beloved Delaware and a RIR. I'm going to have to wall in the porch with some lattice soon. I think a live trap is in order. Wildlife needs to feed on wildlife not domesticated farm animals and pets.
Any idea what your night stalker is?
Mumble's eggs especially weren't going to hatch, since we were collecting them every day! And our rooster, Phoenix, has only fertilized a few eggs. He seems to not know how to breed properly, even though that's what we originally got him for.
I think it’s great you have a Mumble! I do too! 😍 She looked like a penguin as a baby…not so much now!

I let my birds out of the run yesterday evening for around 45 minutes of free ranging time around the backyard. A couple of the pullets like to go off by themselves exploring, and there are others that can't be alone. One of them took wing and sort of flew 30 or 40 feet down a slope, maintaining about 1 foot above ground level the whole way.

And I got a close look at one of the cockerels performing his duties, and I think he did it right. He grasped the pullet by the nape of the neck, did the deed, and jumped off. The pullet shook, fluffed her feathers, then calmly went back to the business of eating grass, like nothing had happened.
One of my roosters is quick and efficient like that and right after he’s done he makes a loud yell like “I’m awesome” and then walks away…it’s very meathead at the gym lifting weights 🏋️‍♂️ 😆
I think it’s great you have a Mumble! I do too! 😍 She looked like a penguin as a baby…not so much now!

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Mumble looked like a penguin as a chick as well, and that's where she got her name from! Mumble from Happy Feet. That was three years ago, and we were inexperienced chicken-keepers after not having chickens for so long, so we assumed that Mumble would stay looking like a penguin. Wrong, she's all black now! 🤣
Gosh! You have been busy!
We're up to our ears in gherkins and courgettes at the moment. Keeping pace is quite exhausting. As is finding things to do with them. I made risotto and feta stuffed courgettes for tea last night with 2 that had almost reached marrow size. They were pretty tasty but I think they needed a bit of pancetta in them.
I wish I could still eat crab (I've developed a shrimp allergy in recent years so I daren't eat crab or lobster). I used to go crabbing for edible brown crab with my granddad until he stopped when he was about 80. He knew all the best spots. Doubt there's many crab and lobster the size we used to take out these days.
Stan suddenly started crowing in the early hours about 6 weeks ago. I figured out he could see the flashing lights on my neighbour's awning. I've put a blackout cloth over the coop window at night and that's solved the problem. You could well be right it's the security lights upsetting him.
No other courses just yet but I've seen one I'm interested in that starts in September. It's been good to get the old brain learning again!
If courgettes are like zucchini, my friend makes relish out of them. There is also a mock apple pie recipe out there. I didn't plant them this year, trying out a new squash that can be eaten early, or saved as a winter squash. At any rate, the crowing is a critter alarm, at the least. I should let my neighbor know to check if he hears crowing.
Today I put my almost 10 week old chicks in the see no touch pen inside the run with my girls needless to say the girls are not happy, hope this goes well will have them all in there for about 2 days wondering if longer? suggestions appreciated, sounds like everyone is having a good Summer so far
3 weeks is a good amount. 2 days, if you're integrating, is not enough
Good morning all and happy Thursday!
Weather up here is blustery but dry. Made it hard to sew last eve, as my machine is on front lanai, and not to mention electric being out for at least 4 hours, so I put it off untill today.... eh. Can do.

Mochi left the house early this morning and did not come back for breakfast. He's got me worried sick again. Spent a few hours calling and looking and thinking the worst. Chances are he is just enjoying a nice quiet place, away from me lol. Wish kitties did not make me worry so much ☹️

Doing my chicken check this morning i heard chicks beeping in coop. Think mom is ready to lay and they are keeping her company. She slept on the roost last eve and they did not follow. They slept in another nest. So, i guess they kind of missed each other ♡ she is a wonderful momma and loves her babies ♡View attachment 3583348
Some of my morning view. Blooming agapanthus and side of coop. Cleaning out debris and planting is on my is on my todo list. View attachment 3583355A sea of Kahili ginger. The fragrance is insanely wonderful and the beauty of this flower unmatched- IMO.View attachment 3583356
Yes, the scent of those is so sweet mi
ss all the tropical flowers. This is what we have here. Made this for my sweet 95 year old lady friend who was in the hospital.
Oh, what a good mama! The chicks are quite big already.

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