What did you do with your flock today?

Oh gosh that would p*ss me off. How dare that darn rat!... unless it is picking off mites and such 🤣 be kinda like the rat eating coyotes. We can dream.

DH saw the big shop rat that ate through our food safes. Says he is going to set the traps and catch it. I'm like yes please, go ahead. I had no luck for the weeks I tried, no Mater what I used for bait... so I moved 😂 DH says it is bigger than the ones Forest brought home. I'm like, prove it 🙃

Well, a few rugs to wash and then I am done for the day. Cottage looks and smells clean... as long as you don't enter the bathroom 😂. Tomorrow.
Rats!! They’re a pain and so very determined! 😫
Spent most of the day with the pig, Mojo. The harness is a smashing success. By his evening treatment he was at least temporarily over his fear. He even ate a little out of my hand. Sniffed my fingers and didn't run the last time I sat down near him and scooched closer. His deepest wound has quit oozing puss and finally looks clean. Now just need to keep it that way til it closes.
Kind of an exhausting day though.

I'm told the vet used a one dose, long acting antibiotic on Mojo. A vet used a one shot, long acting antibiotic for my dog when he caught parvo. I'm uncertain if they used the same drug. The one used on my dog is called Convenia ands actually for skin treatment rather then the gut problems parvo brings. So I'm thinking it was the same drug in both cases.

At any rate, I'm not liking the long acting antibiotics at all from my 2 experiences with them. With my dog I had to call my regular vet and get three doses of penicillin to bring home and treat him. He was sliding downhill and I believe would have died without further antibiotic treatment. Bless my vet for being willing to give them to me based only on my word. He began to improve with in hours of his first shot of penicillin, each dose brought further improvement, and by the third day/dose, I could see he'd survive. But again, what I read says Convenia was the wrong antibiotic to begin with. I'm sure the vet had reason to believe it would work for parvo... I just don't know what that reason is.

With the pig, his wounds pussed up and an abscess was starting to form. Looks to me like they really only helped my dog and Mojo for a little while. Two days, maybe, for my dog, and a few days for Mojo. Not long enough to actually be enough by itself. Makes it worse then worthless in my books, but seems to be popular with the vets right now. Anyway... thought I'd share in case anyone else has a vet that wants to use a one dose, long acting antibiotic. I'll just say no please from now on unless I don't think the animal really needs it.

It's been niggling at me since I was told Mojo had recieved a long acting antibiotic his first vet visit. So my apologies for the looong post! But had to share.
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I used to saute the leaves with olive oil, garlic, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. I got lazy and just gave them to the chicklets, which they demolished except for the stems. Feeling sorry for them since the grass has gone dormant.
That sounds delicious! Going to try that with our Sunday lunch.
My roo Houdini screams and also does the egg song very loudly. He makes all kinds of interesting vocalizations.
Both my boys get seriously into the egg song. Not sure why as they don't really contribute to egg laying - apart from keeping the girls company!
Penelope still occasionally does a full-on cockerel crow. It's so convincing, I thought it was Ferdy until I caught her in the act.
Ferdy's super-happy noise is just like an old-fashioned whistling stove-top kettle. Stan is starting to mimic it too. They both do a crazy noise like a helium balloon deflating, not quite worked out what that means yet! 😁
I didn't buy or hatch Bridget. She showed up in my yard one day. She's an Old English Standard Game Fowl. She's.... got 'Personality'. She's on her 3rd brood. We allow it because she is a terrific mom. ...and we're more than a little scared of her. We won't hatch her actual eggs because I can't handle another bird like her. She demands accommodation in the house and is a bit of a loner.

A hawk attacked her once. He did NOT have a good day. Between Bridget and my German Shepherd, he lost most of his tail feathers. His terrified exit was a comedy of errors and regret.
She sounds great! I love a hen with 'personality'!
That hawk is lucky he just lost most of his tail feathers. Bet he thinks twice before he goes after a chicken again....
I think that’s partly why bantam cochin boys are so great—the hens are NOT shy about putting them in their place and they learn quickly! 😆 Saucy little girls 😍
Absolutely true! Although my ex-batts were great at it too - which I found amazing considering they'd never been exposed to either roos or young chickens.
Morning! Sounds like you will need a big break for yourself after this funeral and all the family! You are going to be an exhausted physical and mental human after all that! I’m impressed feral momma got down and with all the babies!! 11 is Ian impressive clutch!! 😍

I got a lot of camera notifications during the night too, but I slept through them. Turns out a very good-sized rat got locked in the big coop and spent the entire night trying to figure out how to get out. :barnieEmilio just didn’t care about the rat one bit! I went out at 6:30 after seeing all the notifications and opened the coop door and it didn’t even leave! I had to go in the coop and move the feeder, and it poked its head out like “Hi, what’s up?” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Finally left…I should have found a way to trap it but I was in my Jammies and just didn’t wanna deal with it. Gonna have to either convince that fox to leave my yard or teach him how to hunt better—they are not scared of him. He was in our yard the night before last for 3.5 hours and didn’t seem successful at all! He’s very cute though ❤️

Shadow, the sweet stray kitten, finally got to see a vet and was given the green light as healthy and adorable 🥰 No fleas, no worms, no FIV and he now has a microchip, and another appt for neuter and second vax doses. Yay! The husband took him because I was running a work meeting and he texted to say there must be a “cute kitten inside” light outside the door cuz techs kept coming in to pet the him 😆 I wish it was easier to load videos, because Shadow was making horrific meows on the way there and back 🤣 So displeased!

Spent time with the big ladies this morning after harassing the rat, and got some good love and a LOT of complaining from my Salmon Faverolle, Goldie. She is really sweet and lets me hug her and such, but man can that girl complain! 😆 She looks like she wants to talk to me about my car’s warranty 😆 My faithful lap companion Charlie settled in on my legs and Mumble actually spent a good 10 mins on the arm of the chair without looking like she’d seen a ghost! She’s mellowing a lot in her older age! 😍 Super gentle girl, but she does NOT like to be touched and up till recently wouldn’t even get on the chair if I was in it. So I’m slowly wearing her down 🥰

Happy almost Friday all!
OMG! He is not phased by the rat at all! Cheeky little sod (the rat, I mean)!
Penelope has started stalking the baby rats here again. She is getting a bit obsessed and even screamed at Elliot (the cat) to hand over the rat he caught. He dropped it in shock and it made good it's escape. Bloody Penelope! 🤣
Poor little Shadow! Maybe he thought he was being dumped again? Having said that, both my cats are impossible to travel with. They both scream blue murder and Grace is so frightened she once pooped herself 💩🙀
Odd thing is, while Grace will hide if she sees the cat crate, Elliot will happily go in it and close the door behind him. Go figure!
Piggy came home from the vet early this morning. Looks like they drained and debrided the wounds. Lot of drainage going on. But putting the halter on him has made a HUGE difference in how well I can treat him. So I expect him to start healing faster. I was able to pack his wounds with antibiotic ointment this morning, whereas before I could only rub it into a heavy duty spray bandage sealed surface.
Think I've gone crazy...I'm getting rather fond of the little screecher. Something about his little black puppy like nose really is endearing. Still trying not to name him! But think he's got some good Mojo going for him. Soooo. Guess he has a name now. 😂 He's Mojo the puppy nosed pig 😂🐷
Hmm... told you so!!!🤣🤣🤣
I'd not be able to resist him either.
Love the name and he's gonna fit right in!
Glad to hear he's doing better.

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