What did you do with your flock today?

I want 200% 🤣🤣🤣 Probably want it right up until I actually experience it eh?
It would be nice, don’t get me wrong….but the chicken coop and the geese and young call duck coop suffer from it. My goats need baths, so that would help them too but they run inside. 🤦‍♀️ I can’t even do that right now with the boys in rut, and the heat. Won’t help and do more damage than good right now.
Even with all the heat I finally got a good laugh today when a young stud came out of nowhere and tried to practice mating on a red hen that just happened to be his on mother. She shook him off and ran over were his father was standing who in turn sent him running in the opposite direction that happened to have a set of 5 gallon buckets in his way and he managed to fall into one of them and was in a real pickle of a problem getting out of it. He finally got out without help but his confidence in mating took a real beating.
Even with all the heat I finally got a good laugh today when a young stud came out of nowhere and tried to practice mating on a red hen that just happened to be his on mother. She shook him off and ran over were his father was standing who in turn sent him running in the opposite direction that happened to have a set of 5 gallon buckets in his way and he managed to fall into one of them and was in a real pickle of a problem getting out of it. He finally got out without help but his confidence in mating took a real beating.
Poor guy didn't know mom was off limits he just wanted to have some fun. Only in animals.
Glad you made it home safe and enjoyed a quick getaway! ❤️

The weather report for Rocky Point was dire! 😆 Glad you survived haha. I’m confused though—Rocky Point appears to be quite a ways from the ocean?? Did you go to Mexico for the day? It looks beautiful though 😍

I don’t feel great, but I feel at least 80%. Not bad after feeling like death on Thursday and Friday 😆 I feel okay until I try to do things and then I’m just so tired.
Sounds like the worst is over. May you be 100% well soon. :hugs
Hehehe I’m working my magic—puffy cheek beeebies!! 😆 It worked on @TropicalBabies hehehee :p And they hatched and are precious!! 😁😁😁

But seriously, there’s something about the cheeks when they look at you…it just gets me every time! 😍

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There’s also something about the bantam EE that’s a combo of the Ameraucana personality and the d’Anver. I think it makes them more friendly than either breed alone. Ameraucanas are such gentle birds but can be rather flighty and shy if not handled enough, and d’Anvers can be sassy and evasive but are sweet when handled a bunch. Seems like the mix makes them gentle and friendly but with a healthy dose of curiosity and busy. I’m a fan 😍
What a cutie! 😍😍😍
Sounds perfect! I'm all for getting some fluffy cheeks and beards in my lot. I've always had a soft spot for d'Uccles, any experience with those?
So precious! 😍😍 The boys get you, it’s like they have special vibes that we just can’t deny.
Absolutely! And when I found out he was a boy, I could have cried, not because he male but because I thought how could i ever part with him? Luckily I persuaded DH to give it a try. Given Ferdy's temperament I thought it could work.
Even with all the heat I finally got a good laugh today when a young stud came out of nowhere and tried to practice mating on a red hen that just happened to be his on mother. She shook him off and ran over were his father was standing who in turn sent him running in the opposite direction that happened to have a set of 5 gallon buckets in his way and he managed to fall into one of them and was in a real pickle of a problem getting out of it. He finally got out without help but his confidence in mating took a real beating.
Oh my god! That is so funny! 🤣🤣🤣

I don't know if it's lack of available hens in my flock but both Ferdy and Stan practiced mating on their mother before trying the other girls. Pru seemed to take it all quite stoically...
The past two days have been filled with garden treats. Dill seeds to pick off the heads, calendula trimmings, pears. It's a great way to recycle. This year I also have been pleasantly surprised that there are very few earwigs in the fruit trees, which all but 2 are in chicken reach. They've done a fantastic job of policing up the bugs. That's one way of controlling them.

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