What did you do with your flock today?

I don't know if she could go broody but she is a beautiful lady that looks like she could make a great mother of chicks.
Thank you!
How the heck?!!!! Lucky her she was found before.... 😳 gulp. Good rescue.

I've had a set of 2-3 month olds that were repeat offenders of turning over the stainless water bowl on themselves. First time was shocking. Second time I was quick to figure it out... third time... I guess they did not get the whole water bowl thing so I emptied bowl and turned it over so never had a forth time.

Chickens 🤷‍♀️💕🐔
I used to have a little serama hen that insisted on trying to nest in a little space between the nest boxes and the wall. Only problem was she could get in but not back out. She'd lay her egg and then sit there til I came freed her. It was really hard getting her out of there because there wasn't enough space to fit my hand around her, I had to slid it under her and lift her straight up and out the top because her wings would get caught on the trim boards trying to pull her out backwards. I finally stuffed a two by four in there which filled the space.

Goofy birds 😂
I don't know if she could go broody but she is a beautiful lady that looks like she could make a great mother of chicks.
Martha was sleeping in the nest box when I checked the coop after dark. For good or ill, I removed her and placed her on the roost. I checked a few minutes later and she was still on the roost.
How can it actually feel that hot??? Goodness I cannot imagine anything more miserable! 😆 I hope you get some relief soon!
I don’t even know, but 2 days of this stinks. Tomorrow is supposed to be much better! So far everyone has made it through this. I have been stressing a lot over it. This is the longest so far since having my babies, that the heat has continued for this long, and 2x in a year.

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