What did you do with your flock today?

I took in some cockerels and gave them a home as long as they live or I do. One is a beautiful Easter Egger and 3 are crosses with American Game and Indio Gigantes. They are very beautiful as well. I had one lady drive a couple hundred miles or so to give me her pet rooster to keep. She was afraid someone would eat her pet white rock roo. He's one of my buddies now. On a very sad note a predator got one of my favorite roos that I had take in.
The lady that took the 7 today told me they are much to pretty to butcher. 🥰
The lady that took the 7 today told me they are much to pretty to butcher. 🥰
I understand that. I'm glad that their are some people who can give animals and not just chickens a home forever. I'm amazed at how the last three I took in who are very young look after themselves free ranging and eating almost non stop. Now I have them sitting on my lap eating a couple of meals a day. All three are different and all are really beautiful birds.
Speaking of doing with flocks I have a lot to do early so I can keep afternoon med appointment. So I'm off to my roost.
Most of my crosses are EEs. Consisting of Ameraucana, Phoenix, Spitzhauben and Orpington. She took a blue one that was getting in a long tail. He's going to be beautiful.
They sound beautiful. Making crossbreeds is how some of our most loved purebreds were made.
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Speaking of doing with flocks I have a lot to do early so I can keep afternoon med appointment. So I'm off to my roost.

They sound beautiful. Making crossbreeds is how some of our most loved purebreds were make.
I'm working towards something like Schijndelaar or the European Aracana.
Many, many years ago there was a TV series called the Dobie Gillis Show. A sitcom type comedy show with Dobie with his buddy Maynard Cribbs. (Spelling on all the names) Any way one night as Dobie is about to leave on a date with a cute new young lady Maynard shows up. As they were about to leave Dobie kills a fly. That upset the young lady and that gave Maynard a chance to move in on the girl. Maynard being a beatnik grab the fly and started scolding Dobie for being such a killer and needless to say the beatnik left on a date with Dobie's would have had date. I was brought up knowing where food came from where it was fried chicken or Lima beans. Broilers were a common FFA Vo-Ag project. My dad was very strict about only a few things and treatment of animals was one of them. You are supposed to withhold feed from and animal for a short period of time before the butchering process starts. He refused to do it. He refused to let any food animal die hungry. I'm kind of the same way even knowing why it is done for safety reasons. By the age of 12 I could process chickens and after they had been chilled long enough I could break one out into pieces and flour them and use an iron skillet and fix dinner. It's survival in the making. One thing I do hate is the modern poultry production plants whether they are layers or broilers. I'm surrounded by those type farms and just have no respect for them.
That’s why I pay more for my meat these days—I want to honor the people like you that give them good, well cared for lives before they give up their lives so we can eat. It’s why I also try not to buy from hatcheries whenever possible…I totally respect what you’re trying to do! ❤️
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Many, many years ago there was a TV series called the Dobie Gillis Show. A sitcom type comedy show with Dobie with his buddy Maynard Cribbs. (Spelling on all the names) Any way one night as Dobie is about to leave on a date with a cute new young lady Maynard shows up. As they were about to leave Dobie kills a fly. That upset the young lady and that gave Maynard a chance to move in on the girl. Maynard being a beatnik grab the fly and started scolding Dobie for being such a killer and needless to say the beatnik left on a date with Dobie's would have had date. I was brought up knowing where food came from where it was fried chicken or Lima beans. Broilers were a common FFA Vo-Ag project. My dad was very strict about only a few things and treatment of animals was one of them. You are supposed to withhold feed from and animal for a short period of time before the butchering process starts. He refused to do it. He refused to let any food animal die hungry. I'm kind of the same way even knowing why it is done for safety reasons. By the age of 12 I could process chickens and after they had been chilled long enough I could break one out into pieces and flour them and use an iron skillet and fix dinner. It's survival in the making. One thing I do hate is the modern poultry production plants whether they are layers or broilers. I'm surrounded by those type farms and just have no respect for them.
I grew up a lot like that. I was helping butcher animals when I was still less then half a midget. (I'm a midget now so I can say that 😂) Anyways...my family was always big on giving a good life, humane slaughter (which killing cones aren't), and never teach an animal to love you if your intent is the dinner table. Pets are not edible period. Teach table animals to trust, but not to love. I'm very comfortable with butchering and sometimes still do if it's needed. I also absolutely agree that any home raised table animal is lucky compared to any animal that makes it to the grocery store. My tenderhearted kids feel the same, so they're also fine with eating home raised and butchered. Better flavor, less chemicals and a better life for the animals.
My problem is that somewhere along the way I started to see the potential pet in every animal, so it no longer matters if they love me. I'm half in love with them all even if they run screaming at the site of me 🤣. So yep... butcherings become an only if needed thing. Kinda sad since a brief life with a family is better than anything commercial raised animals experience.
It helps to know what you are doing if you raise meat birds and just don't feed a bunch of chickens until you are tired of fooling with them when they are three years old and process them as fryers...... That would take more than a weight lifters jaw muscles.
Even those old birds are tender and juicy if cooked right 😉
Went out to check on momma and her babies tonight…look at the good momma 😍😍😍 Even while roosting she’s doing her best to shelter them ❤️❤️❤️


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