What did you do with your flock today?

Thanks! The wooded area isn't my property. It belongs to a logging company, and they don't mind if the locals use it for recreation, which is nice. And yes, there are lots of places for predators to hide in wait!

There are barred owls, coyotes, foxes, opossums, probably racoons, hawks, and probably more. There are mountain lions running around too, but I haven't seen any here. They have been seen a few miles away, though.

"Home of the World's Largest Egg"? Care to tell us about that? Or have you already done so and I just missed it?
A month is a long time! Hope this thumb heals well and as fast as possible too. I'm sure you're being careful even with all that activity so good to hear....but gotta say be careful anyway. That sounds like heavy hand use! I know when I'm focused on a job is when I'm most likely to oops and hurt myself.
Lucky chooks at your house!
A month IS a long time @PopoMyers! But you do sound like a naughty patient 😆 Maybe that’s where your chickens get their naughty ways?! 😆😆 I kid, I kid! I hope your hand is healing well and makes it all worthwhile! ❤️
I thought about a lot, but I'm still figuring things out. I just locked them all back up in the run a little while ago. I took my camera down to the woods to take picture of their new territory. Looks like a good place to find food to me.

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But then I found this...

View attachment 3631953

Looks like a predator got a mouth full of feathers! I looked over the chickens for injuries and found none. Couldn't see where any feathers were pulled out either. But this chicken was acting a little strange, carrying herself in an unusual way. I think this is the one that was attacked.

View attachment 3631955

So I guess from now on, their free ranging will be supervised. Still learning. LOL
Your adjoining land is so pretty!! 😍 Those are some lucky chickens to have that kind of access! ❤Glad the seem no worse for the wear 😁❤️
"Home of the World's Largest Egg"? Care to tell us about that? Or have you already done so and I just missed it?
Years ago Winlock was a major egg producing area. This article explains the giant egg better than I can:

Here's a picture of the egg I took back in June...

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It's not what I did with the flocks as much as what one rooster did to me. One of those 20lb Cornish Cross boys took a peck out of the can I was bringing the feed to the hanging feeder with and when I started toward the feeder I wasn't moving fast enough so he took a peck out of my left leg. I knew he hit it harder than usual as this is normal for him and his impatient ways. Last night I found a mark about the size of a dime just above my need. He didn't break the skin through my cargo shorts but if felt like it had. He is so big and healthy I want to use him AI with some White Giant pullets once they start laying better.
Thanks! The wooded area isn't my property. It belongs to a logging company, and they don't mind if the locals use it for recreation, which is nice. And yes, there are lots of places for predators to hide in wait!

There are barred owls, coyotes, foxes, opossums, probably racoons, hawks, and probably more. There are mountain lions running around too, but I haven't seen any here. They have been seen a few miles away, though.
Beautiful land attracts a lot! I don't envy you your predator worries!

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