What did you do with your flock today?

I started collecting eggs today to set as soon as I get 41. I'm keeping the best Dark Cornish, White Giant, and American Bresse eggs for the incubator. I'm not trying to keep them counted or organized in any way. All that counts are the ones that hatch. It won't be hard to keep them warm here in a brooder in November and December. By January I hope to set more.
My youngest has her car in the shop so I'm playing taxi for her. Went to pick her up and saw the Dairy Queen had a customer 😂
You will have to share some pretty fall leaves in the trees too! Your coop is looking beautiful!
The gals get all the leaves! BEST run material ever. Today while driving through the cemetery to visit my people, the pine trees have dropped their pine needles everywhere. Gorgeous material in my opinion. I was tempted to get out and at least fill a shopping bag worth. The real reason I didnt was only because I didnt want to introduce a vector of sorts into my run. Do you think I am overthinking it, should have I grabbed the pine needles? I can go back....🌲🐓❤️
The gals get all the leaves! BEST run material ever. Today while driving through the cemetery to visit my people, the pine trees have dropped their pine needles everywhere. Gorgeous material in my opinion. I was tempted to get out and at least fill a shopping bag worth. The real reason I didnt was only because I didnt want to introduce a vector of sorts into my run. Do you think I am overthinking it, should have I grabbed the pine needles? I can go back....🌲🐓❤️
If it's a clean area not to near the road, I'd say great thinking!
The gals get all the leaves! BEST run material ever. Today while driving through the cemetery to visit my people, the pine trees have dropped their pine needles everywhere. Gorgeous material in my opinion. I was tempted to get out and at least fill a shopping bag worth. The real reason I didnt was only because I didnt want to introduce a vector of sorts into my run. Do you think I am overthinking it, should have I grabbed the pine needles? I can go back....🌲🐓❤️
Yeah i wish I got more fall leaves to use, the chickens would love it! 😍
Last year I had put leaves in the run, and they were damp and got wet further in the rain. By the time a few months had gone by, and with the rainy and cold weather, and poop, it had packed down into quite a muddy, smelly mess. I think this year the leaves will get put around the trees so they can scratch at them outside, then they'll get raked and transferred to the garden, or used for flower bed mulch.
I cleaned both waterers and refilled with fresh water. All the girls looked like they were in good shape this morning, feisty as ever. I need to mix up some wet feed with crushed eggshells again. There were two eggs this morning with very thin, fragile shells. One broke in the nest, another broke in my hand when I tried to wash it.

They have constant access to oyster shell, but some just haven't figured out that they need to eat it.

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