What did you do with your flock today?

Which one was the crazy eyed one? Ruby or the cheese ball? 😆😆😆

I’m happy to share my Watermaal adventures! 😊 They are just the tiniest little ones! 🥰 Here are a couple new pics! Wish I could sleep as soundly as Monica does! 😆
They are absolutely so sweet and adorable floofs 😍😍😍
Can't wait to watch them grow up!
Almost every night I have to pull that feral broody out of a nest box. I'd pull fake eggs but she would just go to the next box. So, it is a battle of time. Bless her little heart, but it's a no camping zone!

I made the decision to bring the fosters inside the house for more forced human interaction. So, I layed low and hung out in the house much of yesterday. It is going well but I can tell this will take some time. They are playing up a storm, just with each other, not humans. They have the noises and furniture down though. Been running around like squirrels since 4am and have filled 2 cat boxes. Oh the smell! First light I am replacing them with fresh ones.
Highlights, besides the endless hours of poop and play. A soccer game.View attachment 3691189New things to climb.View attachment 3691190View attachment 3691191
Nap buddies and favorite locations.
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Think I will do this for another few days. The orange kitties, Shelly and Kanani will be flying out next. I want to make sure their sweet shy selves are ready.

I've split the condo and will intro Waihona to the other kitties in the next few days or after I bring the babies back out to their condo - when I can't take the smell of litter boxes anymore or they are too rowdy - I need Makani and Waihona (brother and sister) to rebond and pair up. I hope for them to be travel and adoption buddies and also, my once shy Makani will help to socialize my very shy Waihona 🤞

Chickens are perfect awesome. I've been keeping the run gate open for home flock so the can freely freerange. They are giving me a consistent 5 eggs a day on average so far. My basket is full again and I can almost start selling again. Not feeling in a hurry for anything right now.

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Mountain flock is reported to be doing well and coming around quickly. No new sneezes reported. All look good and energetic.
I may ride Boo up for a visit to clean coop and check flock. Lahaina son has been studying for his next test ♡
So much kitty and chickie eye candy! 😍😍😍❤❤❤🐱🐱🐱
Haha thanks ☺️ I’ve learned thru a lot of therapy that I have adult onset ADHD and that is why I’m never happy unless I’m overloaded by things 🤪🤪 So I’m on meds and see a therapist to help me choose my boundaries and learn to say NO to things 😆 So believe it or not—my current schedule is a reduced one 😆😆 And I do drink a lot of good coffee!

Took a couple pics of the babies that got show baths last night—aren’t they purty?? 😍
They sure are! And so glossy!!! ❤❤❤
What do you shampoo them with? I think I need some for my hair 🤣
I would bet a few pennies your egg production has taken a nose dive to the shortened days of daylight. I don't need the eggs and will not add some extra light on the morning side of the day. If I did I'd add a couple of hours. I wonder how hens are able to lay in the land of the midnight sun.... Total daylight and then today darkness.... Got to be some really messed up hen clocks then.
When there was a big trade in eggs from Shetland back in Victorian times, the harsh weather and short, dark days meant the hens were kept indoors in winter and laid by candlelight!
Ii need to get this off my chest. I don't know wether to laugh or cry. When I locked up all the coops tonight, I found one of my boys had passed. Nothing wrong with him. No other birds show signs of anything. It looked almost like he fell off the roost and maybe broke his neck on the way down. I cleaned the pen and coop. Sanitized it and was taking the bag with him in it to the trash when I heard my big rooster going nuts. I look over and somehow one of my babies got into his yard and he didn't know who she was so he charged after her. I got her out but he was still charging. I had a stick in one hand and a dead chicken in a bag in the other.
I needed to get him distracted and I didn't want to hurt him because he really is super great so I made a split second decision and swung the bag at his side.
I hit him with the dead chicken. He stopped and looked at me as I realized what happened. And we just kinda stood there shocked. He turned around and walked to the coop while I was yelling I am so sorry buddy.!!
The little girl that got out didn't even run when I grabbed her. Maybe she thought she'd get nailed with a carcass too?
Aww! I'm so sorry you lost one of your boys!
That's such a tragically comic tale though, I must confess to giggling just a little at the thought of hitting your roo with his dead brethren 😭😂😭😂😭
Aww! I'm so sorry you lost one of your boys!
That's such a tragically comic tale though, I must confess to giggling just a little at the thought of hitting your roo with his dead brethren 😭😂😭😂😭
The best thing was the one who passed was a 6 in serama. Bruce is a 23 in dark brahma.. the biggest boy got b$%/### slapped by the smallest!! Lol
He came to me this morning like normal and cuddles, so I think we are OK:)
I've got to brave the rain. and open two coops. All the free ranging kids have take shelter where they have a roof to get under. Looks like we will be working coops in the rain today.
I know and it's got a chill in the air too.
This week NC will be a low of 18. We just started fall!
I know and it's got a chill in the air too.
This week NC will be a low of 18. We just started fall!
We will see light freeze one morning and heavy frost another but no really cold weather. It will be warming back up. We need about 7 days in a row of a hard freeze to put the whammy on the flies.

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