What did you do with your flock today?

My knee was feeling about 50% better except today, I think I retweeked it.
So today i sewed, kept the chooks locked up till this eve, picked up a cat and will sponsor it till Monday. Let my husband mow the lawn 😅 by himself and collected 13 eggs.
Oh, I was a terrible chicken mom. I refilled waterers and forgot to put them in the run till... 11:30. Poor chickens.
So sorry your knees acting up! Hope it heals well and quickly ❤️
I've got some sad news. I found Penelope dead in her coop on Friday morning 😭😭😭
She looks to have passed peacefully in her sleep and probably soon after going to bed, as her crop was still pretty full.
I'm truly devastated. I suspected she had something more serious than worms but she seemed back to her old self these past couple of weeks. She was certainly well enough to move back outside and get back to bossing everyone around and getting her beak stuck into everything.
She was such a special girl and I miss her so much. Such a sweetheart.
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O I'm so sorry to hear sweet Penelope passed! Such a beautiful girl...I'm sure she'll be dearly missed. :hugs :hugs :hugs
Spent a little time with some of the older babies. It’s a bit like a Tractor Supply in my living room right now and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the babies 😆 But I plan to sell at least 60-70% of them so I’m trying to remain calm 😆 I got a picture while I was sitting with them…they’re just so cute 😍 I love how this cuckoo boy just stepped right up and took the lead. 🥰 I feel like he’s saying “Did you bring the treats? No pets or love from anyone without the treats” 😆

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Thank you so much, ladies. I will miss her so much. She was special from the day she hatched - she had to be to hold her own against Mr. Personality, Ferdy. For the longest time I suspected she could be a little roo, especially when she started crowing at 10 wks, sounding exactly like her big brother! She also went from being a highly aggressive little madam to my sweet baby who followed me all over, getting into as much mischief as she possibly could and screaming like a banshee if she was thwarted in any way. Penelope loved getting scritches under her beak, between her wattles, and used to ask for them by jumping on me and extending her neck whilst looking me straight in the eye. If I was slow on the uptake, she'd give me a sharp peck, preferably on my face!
My biggest regret is that she wasn't allowed to be a mom. She was an almost unbreakable broody and when Stan was a chick, she'd kidnap him. If he strayed too far from Pru, she would plonk herself down over him and be the picture of innocence while Pru frantically ran around looking for him.
I did have a plan for her as we daren't hatch any more chicks in case we end up with another boy. When she was fully well, went broody and the weather was warmer, my plan was to get a sex-linked day-old and do the old bait and switch. May not of worked, of course, but I hope she knows that was the plan.
She knows ❤️ She sounds like a perfectly sassy and spoiled fluff ball and she was so lucky to have you! ❤️❤️
This is as close as I have ever been to having all my ducks in a row.

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Turns out I'm not immune to chick days. Went to tsc for dog food. Got dog food and ducklings. (They happened to have Cayuga ducks, which I have wanted for a while).

...and while he's not part of the flock, my cat turned 13 today, so he got extra cuddles. View attachment 3769720
I love this!! What cute little organized ducklings! 😍😍😍

13! He’s clearly a well loved family member ❤️ Happy birthday to him!
Well, my littlest angel is home for spring break 🥰. So my chickens aren't getting a lot of attention this week. They get their handful of weeds once a day as a treat still though.

I got a new incubator a couple of days ago (another RCom) and a bag of scratch to try making the jug toys...but I might not get to that til next week.

I finally moved Biscotti outside and she's not loving it yet...but she will next week when I have time to start letting her have some play time with me out there 😄 Right now she says outside is new and scary! I don't think I've ever had a chicken get this old before they get to experience the great outdoors...poor baby. I might have been a tad over cautious with her 🤔😬😜
🐔🌺Aloha gang!
Welp, it is gunna happen. I am going to rehome my light brahmas with Spider. My flock is too big for me right now and my care for my chickens needs to be better. The good news is, within 30 minutes of my add being up I had 2 terrific people willing to take Spider and his girls on. I spent hours vetting the second one and already know the first contender- A good egg on big acreage- I will wait for him to build his coop and run. Gave him chicken specs. Being dog proof and big is a must. He is smart, capable and excited.

So, I will take the time to really work on my flock and get them clean as a whistle. For some reason I have been mite free despite the feral broodies. I think it is the pyrethrin I used. Yippee. My flock does have some sticktight fleas though, and last night checking, dosing and Vaseline-ing them was a chore. My awesome solar light was not working and neither were many of my motion sensor lights 🫤🫤🫤. I need to really get in and do maintenance in the coops and run. I did remove the feral broodies last night. They are in cages and I will relocate them. The one saucy started to physically attack me - face and body - so I am over her. Enough already. This morning I removed all old nesting material, cleaned boxes and added new materials. Now all the girls are screaming. It's all just to clean and fresh for them. Can't win, lol.

Anywho, deworm and bathe is next. Probably in a week or so. @kurby22 , I could use some showchicken bathing tips ♡♡♡. I really want to go through all my girls with a fine toothed comb. I've been such a slacker lately. They deserve so much better than what I have been able to do.

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